It's more I would put the amount of hackers in h1z1 ~ 50-100k personally. Most of them are not obvious though.
Played 9 BR's tonight and no deaths was a obvious hacker as in past. 5 deaths I am 99% certain was a hacker running at least ESP, especially the fucking one where I was still 1000 meters deep in the acid fog and got long range sniped while doing the medkit run. No way a player could have seen me in the open field in heavy fog 1 whole grid square away from safe area. After I died it took him 20 seconds to reach me he was that far away and looted my medkits and took off running.
2, borderline a 3rd used aimbots. I say borderline 3rd because it did take that guy 3 hits to kill me using a pistol at ~ 70 meters tree hit then 2 in my head all same level/spot( I twitched on the tree hit ) other 2 just long range blam first hit dead in the head.
Not really going to bitch about it though as out of 9 br's I top 10 6 of them and got some really cool shit in the new bags. Placed 4th 3 times;/
On another note the ONE paid item I buy a key for, or rather spent station cash I had on is bugged. Supposed to be a leather vest, when I use it the skin doesn't apply and it adds another skin. Used it 9 times now and have 10 leather vest skins, yet to see it work.
Still can't believe they used CSGO crate system down to showing possibles color coded for rarity and the slot machine roll.
I called Jimmy out on it and he said it was nothing like CSGO, the background was black and roll slightly slower. He was trolling me;/
It works though just like I watched Summit blow $400 on CSGO this weekend after a knife, I watched a guy tonight blow over $100 on keys for rare crate item in H1Z1.