Oh wow - I'd thought it was unworkable with the wait... but you again did not disappoint... the Bananaborn comesDole Bananaborn
Some parent gave out fruit instead of candy....Found the original so don't skip me this time Urgoslav and give my avatar a Halloween attire.
You know for the longest time I thought that was Miguel Cabrera on the left side of this picture...Halloween me!
Franken BoobcakeI want you to fabricate me something that involves titcakes, and nightmares. (but doesn't have to do anything with my current avatar...it's kind of a fill in because I'm lazy)
I trust your judgement oh lord of the shoop.
Beaker goes with Bunsen as Mario and Luigi.Can you make this more Halloween good sir?
Why notEDIT: Sean McGrath as a Viking has a certain appeal though
Find your Erronius End Zonesgoogle image search never disappoints
Thanks a ton man, I don't plan on changing mine for a long time it's just that awesome.Thanks for participating guys.
Sorry to those I missed, got pretty busy. If I help in another avatar thread, you guys have a cut-the-line pass.
Avatars made:
halloween Avatars - Imgur