Have you had the tit's for payment talk yet?


Blackwing Lair Raider
After seeing this threadhttp://www.rerolled.org/showthread.p...S-NOW-MISSING!, I figured it would be a good thing to make sure we're all having that proactive conversation with our spouse/significant other. I actually talked with my wife about this some time ago, and after lengthy discourse, we settled on the decision that if it ever came down to it (and utilizing the tits for payment method would provide much needed beneficial results) that my wife was indeed okay with it so long as her face was never shown. I'm curious to see if any other members have trotted out this conversation and the responses provided by their boob bearing partner. And if not to have said conversation, for the lulz! Please post your findings here, so that we may all participate in the experience. Who knows this could become a barometer for telling if a relationship has what it takes to go the distance. Or you know, showing your girlfriend that you're a creep and ending it lol.



Silver Squire
Can't imagine a situation where I would want or need to have my wife do that. Now like any other man I enjoy people that feel compelled to do these things for trivial internet related stuff. All the more power to them, I just don't understand it.



Golden Knight of the Realm
My wife checks out this site just because I tend to be on here quite a bit. She had some professional nude shots taken about 4 months back and asked if I had posted them on here. When I replied "no" she asked "why the hell not?" I guess that's a green light from her. I'll ask her and prob post tomorrow since I'm on phone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think everyone here would totally be okay with that. And yeah I can't think of anything where I would ever prompt my wife to post boobs, but I like to keep my options open, plus it is an interesting conversation to have. I'll have to ask around to some of my female friends and friends girlfriends to see what they have to say.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
My wife checks out this site just because I tend to be on here quite a bit. She had some professional nude shots taken about 4 months back and asked if I had posted them on here. When I replied "no" she asked "why the hell not?" I guess that's a green light from her. I'll ask her and prob post tomorrow since I'm on phone.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
She's 100% down for it, she knows shes cute and "as long as my face isn't on there, I don't give a shit". So I got a new Note 4 Edge phone and forgot that it auto syncs to piscila or whatever the fuck they call it and all of my buddies saw the uploaded 500 fucking pictures. She was cool with it.

Whenever I find a reason to need some votes, it will be a god damned thread of tits and underwear shots and It will be glorious.


<Gold Donor>
She's 100% down for it, she knows shes cute and "as long as my face isn't on there, I don't give a shit". So I got a new Note 4 Edge phone and forgot that it auto syncs to piscila or whatever the fuck they call it and all of my buddies saw the uploaded 500 fucking pictures. She was cool with it.

Whenever I find a reason to need some votes, it will be a god damned thread of tits and underwear shots and It will be glorious.
How about we just owe you one?


2 Minutes Hate
She's 100% down for it, she knows shes cute and "as long as my face isn't on there, I don't give a shit". So I got a new Note 4 Edge phone and forgot that it auto syncs to piscila or whatever the fuck they call it and all of my buddies saw the uploaded 500 fucking pictures. She was cool with it.

Whenever I find a reason to need some votes, it will be a god damned thread of tits and underwear shots and It will be glorious.
I'm banning you in 24 Hrs unless payment has been received.


Musty Nester
This is the 3rd question I ask a prospect.

Are you divorced?
Do you have children?
Would you let me post pictures of your tits online for laughs?

The Master

Bronze Squire
I have two girls willing to be marker branded and post tits if I needed it for something, sans face. Though I can't imagine what kind of poll I'd need to win. I know this because they saw me looking at the most recent thread and asked what was going on. Then volunteered if I ever needed their services.

Also I hate to say it, but our performance hasn't been stellar lately. We haven't consistently been winning the polls, even when payment is received.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Gonna have this discussion with my wife later. Never really occurred to me until now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Her not-so small contribution to rerolled. I might be able to convince her to upload more if the rerolled audience likes.
