Well you go ahead and believe everything you read on community forums Ossoi. I'm sure that the guy who wrote the article can't be bought. Maybe he's got a bridge for sale too.
Well avforums is the UK/eu equivalent of avs forum, and if you know anything about home theatre then I shouldn't need to explain why that's relevant
Questioning the integrity of the forum admins who set up event in conjunction with Phillips and calibrated the sets and the integrity of the forum members (some of whom have been posting there for years) is as dumb as it would have been to question Furors early access review of WoW just because "Blizzard invited him lolz"
One person came out of that event with a tv, like I said, you confirmed you didn't read the article and that's all I have to say on the matter
NEWS: OLED Shootout Results in a win for Philips
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