> Than U
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Lesson #1 when you give a diagnostic clinic a CD with all images on it, they don't give it back. I need to go get another copy from the hospital sometime I guess. It looked like a astronomy image with little suns haha or as the initial doctor told me lit up like a christmas tree.Wow, 13 separate pulmonary embolisms? Holy shat.
Thankfully it was all from 1 clot which broke up into many small ones and if I understood correctly was deep lung. He said if they had been not as broken up into so many small ones it would have been much worse. Still I wasn't on blood thinners at the time and they wasn't sure that was all of them or if they would clear up quick enough to save me.
I assume my risk of that happening again is much lower now that I stay on 3/30ish INR/PT. I still get them in my legs at times in where it looks like a road system on the back of my leg like black streaks, or almost all the time a black dot or a few on my foot.