The Scientific Shitlord
- 24,653
- 46,397
And that most people in the world forget you people even exist until something reminds them.
Aussie accents are hot, though.
- 4
And that most people in the world forget you people even exist until something reminds them.
pras a_skeleton_03 lord cock enabler
Well for me I always had pretty rock hard boners even into my early thirties. It's just been the past couple years it's been declining. Definitely physical issue in my case but probably not for youIt's weird, I don't have an issue getting it up but it certainly isn't teen boner quality anymore, so I've tried a few cialis/viagra over the years and they literally didn't do anything for me but give me a pounding headache.
Need to give an update on my dick problem.
Kids have been sick, wife's been sick, so not much going on until today. I took the first set of pills and gave it a whirl.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I felt like I was 13 again with a diamond cutter. It felt almost unnaturally hard. Needless to say much enjoyment was had. The pill definitely shows me that I got something going on. I mean we kind of laughed at first for awhile because it really hasn't been this way for a long time. Was fighting a losing battle before. Praise be to a_skeleton_03.
As far as side effects. Didn't get the headaches or bloody nose or anything. I did get intense pressure in my face, flushed,.and my eyes are super bloodshot. Feels like I'm squeezing out a mega turd and my face is straining. Also dropped my blood.sugar a bit
I think your wife may have misunderstood about the glasses. I get glasses/contacts in the same Rx with no extra charge. It's not like you HAVE to get glasses even if you get the slip for glasses. And it's the exact same exam. Unless she was trying to charge you for each. Which is... something that would stop me from going back to that office. So maybe she didn't misunderstand.
Got those butt pellets last week. Felt like someone had fired buckshot into my right asscheek for the first four days, and is just now finally starting to feel normal again. The procedure itself was painless, but didn't think my ass would hurt so much for so long.
Maybe I got ghetto pellets, but the whole procedure all in was only $396 at the urologist. Now it's wait and see, just hope I don't have a major acne breakout.
Got those butt pellets last week. Felt like someone had fired buckshot into my right asscheek for the first four days, and is just now finally starting to feel normal again. The procedure itself was painless, but didn't think my ass would hurt so much for so long.
Maybe I got ghetto pellets, but the whole procedure all in was only $396 at the urologist. Now it's wait and see, just hope I don't have a major acne breakout.
The injects are mostly painless but the other night during a ventro glute shot, I had what I guess was some of the solution leak back out of the muscle and go sub-Q right on a nerve. For a good 10-15 seconds I was pretty sure I'd have to go to the hospital for blinding pain. White hot searing, body dropping body locking Star Wars Luke Skywalker vs Emperor pain. Same as taking benzyl alcohol and pouring it on an open gash. Ugh shiver just thinking about it. Weirdest thing was the injection was clean and deep.
Never had a problem otherwise in years. But in that one moment, and for the next few days, I was swearing to god I was fucking done-- I was going to get butt pellets or get on Nebido.
Injects will run you around 200 a month. IDK how often you guys are getting butt pellets.
The injects are mostly painless but the other night during a ventro glute shot, I had what I guess was some of the solution leak back out of the muscle and go sub-Q right on a nerve. For a good 10-15 seconds I was pretty sure I'd have to go to the hospital for blinding pain. White hot searing, body dropping body locking Star Wars Luke Skywalker vs Emperor pain. Same as taking benzyl alcohol and pouring it on an open gash. Ugh shiver just thinking about it. Weirdest thing was the injection was clean and deep.
Never had a problem otherwise in years. But in that one moment, and for the next few days, I was swearing to god I was fucking done-- I was going to get butt pellets or get on Nebido.
Injects will run you around 200 a month. IDK how often you guys are getting butt pellets.
Doc said the pellets should last around 4 months, so that comes out to $100/month for me assuming I don't need a stronger dose of pellets.
I was already on the gel for years, but it was never all that effective, and I'd have to practically bathe in the stuff just to get my levels over 400, and when I could get it over 400 I would have vicious acne break outs. It was basically a choice of feeling great and horny, but looking like a pox ridden teenager. He recommended the pellets because of my difficulty achieving a decent level without acne, saying the pellets usually have less side effects. I just hope these don't make me break out, because unlike the gel I can't just back off usage.
I don't pay for the pellets because the surgeon I work with does them for me for free but we generally charge $750/6 months.
My T was at 1600 the first time I did the pellets. That was a bit high obviously. So we backed off the dose for subsequent pelleting and I've been running at about 900-1000 when we check. Bioavailability is generally more consistent and improved with the pellets vs gel or injections. I haven't had any negative side effects that I can tell.