I've had both laparoscopic and open surgeries (abdomen) and the open surgery was significantly worse. WIth the lap, I was up and walking around within 6 hours of waking up. I was out of the hospital 2-3 days later. WIth the open, it took days just to be able to stand reliably, I was in a lot of pain, wound up with an infection, some nasty scars, didn't get out for 2 weeks, and didn't fully recover for 6 months. I to this day still have pain in the surgery area when I exert myself. You can't just slice open large sections of muscle and not wind up with lasting repercussions. Both were from the same surgeon.
I imagine the location of where the opening will be with have an effect, but yeah, there's a big difference. I imagine if anything the quality of the surgeon is the bigger factor.