Silver Baron of the Realm
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I did a long period of antibiotics like that because of Lymes and by the end I felt like shit, so messes with your digestive system. Hope it resolves without the surgery .I'm into my 3rd month of antibiotics, 2nd month of doxycycline
Last Urology appt, the Dr said that sometimes it take 60-90 days to kill off an infection with epididymitis? fuuuuuck
He also put surgery on the table. He talked as if I wouldn't lose use of a testicle, but when I Googled epididymectomy, I got the impression that was the deal. So I'm pretty happy that I agreed to do another 30 days of doxy before considering surgery.
It's been a couple weeks since I had the noticeable pain/discomfort, so I'm going to pound out the last 2 weeks or so of this script and I'm hoping I'll be good
So I just had my wisdom teeth removed at the age of 40 and it was an ordeal. They decided to all start moving and doing so quickly and they moved so much, so quick on the bottom they drilled into the neighboring teeth, chipping them down to the nerves. This was some of the worst pain I've ever had, causing me to even pass out at night a few times.
a month later I went in and got those two neighboring teeth looked at this morning and thinking I would need crowns or a root canal, they told me I'm going to need them pulled. I was already missing a tooth on the right side so I'd have almost no teeth on the lower right side, which means I'd need two implants. Due to losing so much bone over 18 years from missing a tooth I'd also need a bone graft on that side and then one implant on the other side.
With dental insurance, it's gonna run between $6000 - $8000 since one implant won't be covered since that tooth wasn't pulled while I was on that provider.
No idea how I'm going to afford any of this and in the meantime and still in considerable pain.
Fuck dental insurance in this country. So stressed out over this shit.
At that point it might be worth looking in to full denture replacement, no joke. I've got a couple friends around your age that have had it done due to years of teeth neglect and it was many times cheaper than trying to salvage what was left of the their original teeth, they look perfect, cleaning and maintenance is way easier, etc.
ENT. Probably chronic rhinitis. But get it checked, quality of life is important.About a year ago I start having what I think is typically called post-nasal-drip. It feels like I have a snotty nose but on the other end. Constantly making me clear my throat and swallowing. I've been to my GP who prescribed a few things which had no effect. I've also tried neti pots and over the counter allergy meds (and I typically do not get allergies like ever) and nothing.
Last resort is going to a ENT specialist. Just wondering if anyone here has had this problem and what resolved it.
I've had mild post nasal drip my entire life. At one point in my 20's I did a battery of tests and it was posited that I have allergies to grass pollen and human skin. (So basically I'm fucked.) Over the counter medication barely makes enough difference to be worth using. When it gets bad in the springtime I use neti pots. That helps some and can occasionally prevent my annual sinus infection. I just have to live with needing to clear my throat every minute or two. Needless to say, that has made me very popular this past year.About a year ago I start having what I think is typically called post-nasal-drip. Just wondering if anyone here has had this problem and what resolved it.
Anyone ever had to try and dispute health insurance claims before? I got doored on my bicycle a month or so ago and went to the hospital cause there was blood coming out of me when I coughed. Nothing was actually wrong, got a chest CT, and sent home.
The hospital billed my insurance almost 10 grand for my ~3 hours I was there and the 0 actual treatment I received, and the insurance now trying to get me to pay ~3k of this after their plan "discounts", but neither of them seem to be willing or able to actually itemize for me what these charges are related to other than generic "emergency services" in every field.
This is normal. ED visits and (most) services performed during such a visit are bundled under an "all in" CPT code, usually 99281, 2, 3, 4, or 5 depending on complexity.
If a hospital did something like bill 99285 when you were obviously low complexity, it might be possible to bring down the bill slightly by arguing that you should have been a 99281 or 99282, but in terms of a granular bill breakdown, you probably won't be able to get one.
I don’t have anything helpful to say but as a doc this shit pisses me off so much. Guaranteed all the bullshit is to pay for 15 “administrators” and their assistants that we don’t even know what they even do and probably contribute about 15 hours of solid work per week.The part I don't get is I already got the claims for the actual services processed.
Like I got claims for the ER doc visit, the chest CT, chest/leg x-ray - that all made sense, and I owed some money for each but they were itemized for services provided and what everything was.
Then yesterday a new one showed up that was another ~9k billed to the insurance with everything as the generic "emergency services" and the hospital can't or won't tell me what any of that means? I'm still waiting for united health to call me back and try and explain some of this, but everything that happened during my visit already got billed/processed from what I can tell. It's not like I stayed overnight, or that they even treated anything while I was there, was just a bunch of imaging to make sure none of my insides were broken.
Bro I’m sorry to keep asking, but I’m drinking on a Friday and I still can’t forget this story. What ever happened?!Medical professionals of FOH, have something really funky going on with my “plumbing.”
About a month ago, my wife and I had sexual Congress, and right at climax I noticed a sort of hitch, not painful but just like a pause in my ejaculating. Then when finishing feeling like everything wasn’t out. I thought nothing of it, since our daughter was born in November our sex life has been mostly dormant other than oral etc.
Had sex several times after and business as usual.
About two weeks ago, happens again and as my wife is cleaning up notices these smallish orange/yellow “gel” balls in my semen. Not of insignificant size either. To “research” this more, I fap the next day.... same result and about 4-5 of these weird little chunks.
Firm to touch but easily flattened and smushed. Past few days I’ve had to urinate pretty frequently. Can’t think of other symptoms but my mind went to protaste, or uti or std immediately. Yeast infection? I’ve been kinda freaked to have sex or fap, but did last night to get pics of these buggers.
Seeing gp next week to get urologist referral
Bro I’m sorry to keep asking, but I’m drinking on a Friday and I still can’t forget this story. What ever happened?!
Wait...what do you do? I bet it's something cancery...Between this and this
Ultra-High Dose Rate (FLASH) Radiotherapy: Silver Bullet or Fool's Gold? - PMC
Radiotherapy is a cornerstone of both curative and palliative cancer care. However, radiotherapy is severely limited by radiation-induced toxicities. If these toxicities could be reduced, a greater dose of radiation could be given therefore
Looks like my job is secure.