Silver Baronet of the Realm
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What's super high ? All cause mortality is way higher at 100 than 300, optimal is around 230 it seems.Anyone here on statins? My LDL turned out super high this year despite my otherwise being in pretty good shape, good blood pressure, diet and regular exercise, etc. I'm not super stoked about being on perpetual medication but I don't really want a heart attack or stroke either.
What are people's experiences? Side effects?

A nonlinear association of total cholesterol with all-cause and cause-specific mortality - Nutrition & Metabolism
Background The link between total cholesterol (TC) and all-cause and specific mortality has not been elucidated. Herein, we aimed to evaluate the effect of TC levels on all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer mortality. Methods All data analyzed were obtained from the National Health...

As you can see ACM is higher at 100 than 500...
Not to mention the potential increased risk of dementia, like ppi, fucking up with nutrient absorption does not come for free. Unlike ppis the proof isn't there (yet) but your brain is cholesterol, and deprieving it of it can't be too good.
If your TC is just too high, adjusting the diet is the first thing to do. Doctors tend to be quick to draw statins before suggesting eating differently, and that's if TC is really high, not just slightly high.
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