Mr. Poopybutthole
I will keep you updated on the situation as best I can.Can you let me know when it's the right time to freak out? That would be helpful.
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I will keep you updated on the situation as best I can.Can you let me know when it's the right time to freak out? That would be helpful.
The anxiety is something my brain does to me. I'm doing all the things you mentioned, but it doesn't stop anxiety. This is something I have to deal with, and I'm working on it hard. Anxiety makes my life a lot harder, makes it harder for me to be a support, but I'm working through it.
Went for another brain MRI. They made me remove my pain patch (said it could get hot and burn me w/ MRI). Supposed to be w/ w/o contrast but 3 people tried 4 different places on me and could not hit a vein. My veins are shit even when I am not on chemo , which I started again this past Wednesday. I look like a heroin junkie today. Wife was freaking out but I told her if they see anything then I'll go for another one.
lurkingdirk I do not have any advice for depression, but do know we have your back here bro. E-hugs and all that.
Have to get MRIs regularly for a brain tumor and the contrast IV is always a cluster fuck. Last time had a whole gaggle of techs poking fun (literally) and formed a line to take turns trying to get a vein that wouldn’t shut down after two seconds while another one just stood there holding the cool towel of shame in my forehead.Went for another brain MRI. They made me remove my pain patch (said it could get hot and burn me w/ MRI). Supposed to be w/ w/o contrast but 3 people tried 4 different places on me and could not hit a vein. My veins are shit even when I am not on chemo , which I started again this past Wednesday. I look like a heroin junkie today. Wife was freaking out but I told her if they see anything then I'll go for another one.
lurkingdirk I do not have any advice for depression, but do know we have your back here bro. E-hugs and all that.
this one was weird, they did the w/o contrast MRI then tried putting the IV in. Every other one , they did the IV 1st, where I could sit up / try to help etc. This one was an open type , so maybe that's why but I thought it was odd.Have to get MRIs regularly for a brain tumor and the contrast IV is always a cluster fuck. Last time had a whole gaggle of techs poking fun (literally) and formed a line to take turns trying to get a vein that wouldn’t shut down after two seconds while another one just stood there holding the cool towel of shame in my forehead.
Oh yeah I’ve never done an open one before. Always the closed so they just set up all the tubing beforehand, do the regular and then send the juice later. Get me every time because it always feels like it’s spilling out of my arm.this one was weird, they did the w/o contrast MRI then tried putting the IV in. Every other one , they did the IV 1st, where I could sit up / try to help etc. This one was an open type , so maybe that's why but I thought it was odd.
Have to get MRIs regularly for a brain tumor and the contrast IV is always a cluster fuck. Last time had a whole gaggle of techs poking fun (literally) and formed a line to take turns trying to get a vein that wouldn’t shut down after two seconds while another one just stood there holding the cool towel of shame in my forehead.
Dafuq. Even our rad techs can do ultrasound guided canulation. It's so easy, we teach our nurses in the ER too.
They love it when hardcore junkies always to tell them which vein to do, but 30s later have a random 32G iv cath in a non-superficial vein. Dynamic needle tip tracking is the easiest thing.
I didn't even know 32 gauge existed unless the gauging system is different in Europe. The sizes I've heard about are 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 26.
26 is neonate only, 24 is generally peds only unless you have a 90 year old dehydrated little old lady with spider veins. 14-18 are usually ER/ICU only.
AFAIK, they don't really teach u/s guided cannulation here, unless it's one of the things they only teach ICU nurses; med-surg nurses usually use vein finders (which in my experience suck and are no better than just trying to feel it out, but I can't start an IV to save my life regardless of what tools I have).
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Ack, meant 32mm, 18g, yeah. But yeah, techs, rad assists, nurses etc we try to teach (f*** getting a call during a nap for a pvc).
EDIT: vein finders, bwahaha, you mean like accuvein? Haven't seen one since med school. Those are so shitty, see maybe 5mm deep, heavy/on an extendeder to be helpfull. But lowkey, I keep a red cat eye light in the pocket if I'm out ultrasound equipment. Same principle really, put it in the hand of thevictimpatient, see all veins in the hand.
Anyway, here, random youtube of the canulation. Takes maybe 20 min to learn, 10-20 stabs to master. Faster if you're a gamer with controllers. Basic idea is to use out-of-plane technique, dynamically tracking the needle tip. Much safer than in plane technique for beginners.
Lil'' help here bros. Those of you that work in healthcare, can you tell me what 'SBSQ HOSP IP/ODS High 50' means in plain dumbed down english? I just got an EOB for this with Date of Service as the day I was rushed to the hospital.
Not a big issue , insurance says I don't have to pay squat but google was zero help and I'm curious.
EDIT: vein finders, bwahaha, you mean like accuvein? Haven't seen one since med school. Those are so shitty, see maybe 5mm deep, heavy/on an extendeder to be helpfull. But lowkey, I keep a red cat eye light in the pocket if I'm out ultrasound equipment. Same principle really, put it in the hand of thevictimpatient, see all veins in the hand.
Lil'' help here bros. Those of you that work in healthcare, can you tell me what 'SBSQ HOSP IP/ODS High 50' means in plain dumbed down english? I just got an EOB for this with Date of Service as the day I was rushed to the hospital.
Not a big issue , insurance says I don't have to pay squat but google was zero help and I'm curious.
That's the point. Vein scanners suck. Ultrasound = Godmode.NOt exactly sure what you two are describing but they have tried vein scanners before with very limited success. My veins just suck. Always have. My mom had that issue too but I assumed it was because she smoked like a fiend.
Thanks simulation.