The Scientific Shitlord
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If you seriously think it's lupus then try finding a specialist to get their opinion?I've had umpteen diagnosis. Some plausable, kind of. Some go against modern medicine.
The MS specialist at the MS clinic "You have a few lesions would else could it be?" Literally said that. Dumbass me can look at the Mayo clinic website and see numerous other things that cause rit. Then she said "all the things you complain about have nothing to do with MS. How she says both of those things and doesn't get the connection is beyond me. Over and over to every Dr. I see I mention how much all the stuff revolves around my skin. The fact Lupus can cause brain lesions is news to them apparently. It's a giant you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours deal. Even with the best insurance I could buy at any price they require you to get a referall from a nurse pracicioner first and you mention some of the stuff and they look at you like you have three heads.
It's beyond clear now it's Lupus. 3 minutes in the sun today brings me to my knees and hours later the pain is overwhelming. SPF 50 from now on for a 30 second walk outside.
The medical community incompetence is real. I ordered a T- shirt giving some stats like rank of malpractice insurance and other stuff. I don't care. I may wind up in prison or jail. Probably get better healthcare.
The best diagnosis
Massive brain damage
You will never walk again
In two years you will need to be tied down to a wheelchair to keep from falling out.
ADEM - which is related to MS and only occurs in children and the identifying characteristic is the MRI is termed a thite completely full of lesions. I had 4 small ones.
MS from a Dr. that it was news you could have something other than MS cause lesions. Of course she also said she's not there to see or diagnose patients but she did. She's there to review and run drug test. She picked the wrong redneck to tell me how difficult stressful it was to look at numbers all day. Money is got in her posistion giving blow jobs. This is not just me, another two doctors told me she was known as a big party preson till her current job. Maybe she is better at giving blow jobs thoughs he does suck at her current job.
I've moved onto the next chapter. Tell them how incompetent I think they are. As a patient you really can't tell how good a Dr. is when you first see them. In the case of the MS specialist there are only two in the state and the other is there to treat depenents of the Air Force personsal since their other baser they fly from is in ND and apparently MS is related to low vitamin D.
But they all make sure to show you what school they got a degree from. Apparently the slide has been going on for longer than just recently.
The MS specialist and the ADEM neurologist both graduated from Harvard. They really DO NOT like it when you say the best jobs in the petrochemical industry are in LA and TX. Thest best medical jobs not so much for a few exceptions.
In school LA was often referecd to as thank God for MS or LA would be last in everything. I recently saw LA is ranked last now. I believe it, the Doctors don't even realise they are so used to seeing mostly the bottom of the barrel so they adjust to it.
It's not just LA but TX as well in some ways. Once a hospital group has your diagnosis on record that's it. No docotor or nurse practicioner will do a fucking thing to investigate or treat other symptoms. I said many times I could show up at the ER with half an arm missing and the Dr. would say "common with whatever diagnosis they pick off the list. Speaking of ER. The closest I ever come to actually killing someone. The pain was so bad I went to the ER. Back when you actually saw a doctor and not a nurse. I told him I had been diagnosed with ADEM which there is no way. That was that. He went to security and had me removed from the building sand told me to quit wasting their time.
I'm done be Mr. nice guy. That ends now.
Yes I have a couple of attorneys on it already but it was like I had a fuck me shirt on all the time. I have tshirts coming soon and I'll make sure to wear it every time I go to the Dr. or hospital and point out a few stats for their ejoyment.
What do I have to loose? Might get better medical care in prison. Maybe.
Rant over. This week I'll either end up dead or in prison. OH well either is an improvement.
Just to be clear it's been 4 different states so far. LA, TX, AZ, and FL at the mayo clinic which it is very hard to find someone there that their primary language is english and AZ.
Lupus Clinic | Rheumatology
The UCSF Lupus Clinic focuses on the evaluation and management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, with a particular emphasis on moderate to severe forms of the disease. Clinic providers have expertise in treating refractory, difficult to treat manifestations including lupus nephritis and severe...