Brings new meaning to the concept of the stranger.
Anyway my sinuses always get irritated and bloody during the winter. This year we had an incredibly mild winter, barely even dipped below freezing. Then one day it was bitter ass single digit cold, stayed that way for over a week, and my sinuses have basically imploded. Instead of getting a little bit of bloody drainage, my sinuses and down into my nostrils a ways scab over constantly. It's awful. Have to cram triple antibiotic up my nose just to try and keep it from drying out and getting even more irritated. Sometimes the scabbing gets thick enough that it obstructs my ability to breath through my nose, and if it won't clear out from blowing my nose, gotta remove the scab manually which is disgusting, painful, and probably inhibits the healing process, but I can't stand mouth breathing. Going to have to get this shit cauterized soon I guess.
First time I ever had doctor's orders to cram vaseline up an orifice though.