

<Bronze Donator>
Order of play. If you Justicar before Finley then Finley would get regular, if you Justicar after it upgrades what you picked


Molten Core Raider
Pretty sure Justicar gives upgraded version of original power. I remember reading a clarification on how Justicar interacted with that neutral epic that copies your opponent's hero power.


Mr. Poopybutthole
lol, how's this for an opening hand? instant concede from my hunter opponent.



King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Cant bring myself to do much laddering so far this month. Knocking our heroics at the moment. Taking a break from Nefarian to hopefully knock out Naxx. 5 more...


Mr. Poopybutthole
So here's my current project, and it's actually coming along quite well. I toyed with the concept of a no-maly dragonlock back when brm brought it onto the scene, but it had some of the same consistency problems that maly lock had without the burst damage potential, so when the meta shifted against maly i stopped testing no-maly. Now that it has come back into the meta, I've been once again tinkering with dragonlock, and it's much more consistent now.


Couple weird choices that I'll explain.

The craziest one is Chromaggus over Dr Boom. By leaving Dr Boom out, BGH is pretty much a dead draw against this deck, and your opponent will hold it forever waiting for a target. Maybe he picks off an emerald drake with it, but at that point he has been holding a dead card in his hand so long that it's not a big loss for you. Chromaggus also gives you more consistency with guardian and corrupter.

Bane of Doom is at worst a horribly inefficient removal spell, but every now and then it just completely blows a game out for you. I was getting demolished by a priest who god drew on me, so I tossed a hail mary bane of doom hoping for something 5 power or higher to clear his board with shadowflame. Got malganis, cleared his board, and won the game.

Acidic Swamp Ooze is your flex silver bullet slot. Other things that could go here are Ironbeak, Kezan, Loatheb, or you could just toss a greedy threat/removal in that spot like Siphon or Sylvanas. Other possibilities would be to cut the flex slot and bane of doom for Implosions, another Hellfire or Shadowflame, or Defender of Argus. Hell you could even gut the late game win conditions and put in Arcane Golem combo as your finisher, which I'll probably try later. The Dragonlock framework is very versatile.


Trakanon Raider
I'm so glad that Paladin got Keeper of Uldaman because they were really hurting for good cards.

I've been playing Mid-Range Paladin for a bit and it's just so strong. The value on Paladin cards is just unreal and they are so hard to remove efficiently. And nothing is better than hitting a 10/? Mysterious Challenger with Keeper of Uldaman or Aldor Peacekeeper and bathing in your opponent's tears.


I've been playing some midrange hunter with tomb spiders and I have to say that discovery is by far the best addition to the game of any mechanic/card up until this point.

Now, if I could just open some elemental destructions so I could fiddle around with control shaman. It's my favorite class, but I dislike playing face decks and midrange/totem feels in a bit of a bad spot at the moment.
I stumbled upon this--Nex Dragon Shaman--deck last night and it was just different enough to make me want to give it a try. I've been having a blast playing it, and have been steadily climbing the ladder. Dunno how it will perform as I move up, but its a really fun, long-game type deck.


I stumbled upon this--Nex Dragon Shaman--deck last night and it was just different enough to make me want to give it a try. I've been having a blast playing it, and have been steadily climbing the ladder. Dunno how it will perform as I move up, but its a really fun, long-game type deck.
Yeah, that is one of the control decks that I've looked at, but they really all need two copies of elemental destruction and I don't really have enough dust to just craft those. I'd probably craft a second one if I ever get the first from a pack (though I also miss Neptulon for this particular deck).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sometimes I fucking swear there has to be a hack that lets you see your opponents hand. I'm playing against a warrior, end up with a harrison in my opening hand, and he doesn't play a fucking weapon until 24 cards deep in his deck. That can't be a fucking coincidence.


Obviously has been a bad afternoon to play druid, but I finally finished this.
