

Mr. Poopybutthole
I dunno, I probably lost some bullshit game that I was about to win when my opponent went ancestral knowledge into ancestral knowledge into doomhammer-rockbiter lethal. I can't say for sure though, I just woke up from a rage-induced seizure and everything is kinda fuzzy.
Curse of Rafaam:Warlock, 2 Mana Spell, Give your opponent a cursed card, they take 2 damage on their turn if they hold it.

Zoo might play this, but I doubt it. Your opponent either spends 2 mana to get rid of the curse, which gives you tempo, or they hold on to it and take 2 damage per turn as they try to build board presence. Zoo needs board presence which this spell doesn't help with, so in many ways it's not optimal. It will probably be tried, but I can't see it being optimal in any deck atm.
its an anti-aggro card, simple as that - your opponent keeps playing minions and loses health every turn or they get rid of it and delay developing their board


JunkiesNetwork Donor
When does this aggro Shaman deck actually get to top rank? Tempostorm has it as Tier 1. I have been using it all day (20 games?) and must have a win rate of like 20 percent. Either Tempostorm are trolling people or EU server is wise to it already.
Are you using the mech heavy Reynad deck or the spell/overload heavy Luffy deck?

Five Minute Guide: Aggro Shaman

I like the Luffy Overload myself. Haven't tracked my stats but last night hit a 7 or 8 game streak in the mid-teen ranks, for whatever reason I was seeing a lot of handlocks and rogues. Good news is the games are over so quick, if you get a shit start you are moving on to the next game in no time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
went ahead and crafted warleaders to play anyfin otk. want to grind out some paladin wins but want something faster than midrange and fuck secrets.


Are you using the mech heavy Reynad deck or the spell/overload heavy Luffy deck?

Five Minute Guide: Aggro Shaman

I like the Luffy Overload myself. Haven't tracked my stats but last night hit a 7 or 8 game streak in the mid-teen ranks, for whatever reason I was seeing a lot of handlocks and rogues. Good news is the games are over so quick, if you get a shit start you are moving on to the next game in no time.
Luffy version but I suspect I was probably not playing it entirely correctly.


9 wins from my first golen portrait; mage. Can't wait to never play mage again. Can't decide what to do next. Have everything for warrior, druid, warlock. Would have to craft tirion and MC for pally.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
its an anti-aggro card, simple as that - your opponent keeps playing minions and loses health every turn or they get rid of it and delay developing their board
I can't agree to that. Aggro decks don't care about 2 dmg per turn, and they are happy for you to cast a 2 mana spell that doesn't affect board. Absolutely terrible anti-aggro card.


Molten Core Raider
OTK Paladin Murloc is hilarious. Played vs a control mage w/ Duplicate/Echo/Sylvannas. Probably mowed through 4 Sylvannases and got down to 2 cards left in my hand - he was at 30 with 2 sylvs and 2 healbots. I was on 2 fatigue, counting up what died earlier. He sheeped my only Murkeye but I know for a fact I got at least 1 bluegill and both of my Warleaders from the 1st Anyfin.
Board went from me one turn from death and him full health to my board with 3x 10/6 Bluegill Charges and 4x 9/something Warleaders.


Trakanon Raider
I finally got level 60 on Paladin. Only two classes not at level 60 now: Rogue and Shaman. One day for Rogue. I doubt I'll ever get Shaman to 60.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not pictured is the bluegill I used to clear his taunt. huehuehue



JunkiesNetwork Donor
Haha ^^ Delivering a lot of salt this evening.

I switched out knife jugglers for Zap o Matics on the Luffy Shaman. So much more value.



Though OTK Pally looked fun, so decided to give a try. I'm 1-4 atm. Getting awful mulligans and getting steam rolled by aggro. Have yet to reach the point of a turn 10 Anyfin turn. Kinda takes the fun out of it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Took me a bit to get into it but I'm making it work now. Have 3 different lists that I switch between, seems the two more control oriented lists that use anyfin as a finisher do the best.


Jesus fucking christ. I just got hungry crabbed. I need to step away before my blood pressure goes through the roof.

Edit: I can't remember a stretch of such shitty luck as I've had tonight. Constant shitty mulligans and draws with shit clogging my hand and nothing to play (with 15 3 mana or less cards and still not drawing any). Shitty match ups against token druids who get perfect openings and kill me by turn 4. Boom bots acting like guided missiles. It goes fucking on and on. I haven't been this salty from Hearthstone in months. And, to top it off, I blew 400 dust for a Lay on Hands. Fuck me. I need to take a vacation from this bullshit. So fucking tired of all the aggro and face race gameplay.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Running a mage deck with a lot of AOE to deal with this Murloc shit. Also toying with Scarab and Ethereal Conjuror. Works EXTREMELY well mainly because I am bound to get a secret or two out of it and it totally fucks their play when you get something totally unexpected like Spellbinder.

Really fun to clear their bullshit 3 times with sheep/blizzard/Flamestrike though. The rage must be real.