

Trakanon Raider
It makes sense to keep C'Thun cards out of Arena. While some pass the vanilla test they're intended to synergize with a deck theme and you won't get that in Arena. It might make the pool of Arena cards smaller but it's a good decision. At least that's the opinion of someone who never plays Arena.

I'm sure that they intentionally hold the good stuff back and won't tease those cards until closer to release. Corrupted Healbot is garbage. Doomsayer is very high risk for mediocre reward. Loot Hoarder isn't bad but I think the 4 slot is going to be very competitive again with the loss of Shredder. Without Shredder there's no auto-include 4 drop which kept a lot of really good but not Shredder out of play. So I'm sure the best cards will be shown off much later.

But I think it's safe to say we won't get another Goblins Versus Gnomes. That expansion was just too good and I don't see them wanting that level of power creep again this soon.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Oh poor little renolock, drains all the way to 1 hp then plays Reno...but he forgot I played 2 Excavated Evil, and they were in his deck.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Oh poor little renolock, drains all the way to 1 hp then plays Reno...but he forgot I played 2 Excavated Evil, and they were in his deck.
Lol, harsh. I still don't understand Reno decks that play two of a card. I was ripping a Reno warr last night with aggrodin and he tries his best to stall to get one of whatever doubles he had. In the end, drops Reno and hopes I concede automatically. A few seconds later, he concedes. He was doing a fantastic job and the Reno would have finished me. Instead....nope.


Trakanon Raider
Yet thaddius twins still show up in Arena.
I wouldn't view that as a precedent. Naxx was released nearly 2 years ago and it, most likely, hasn't even crossed their minds. They don't really go back and balance around Arena so Thaddius just never got on their radar in regards to Arena. C'Thun is a bit different since they're making a conscious decision up front regarding them synergy cards.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
By the time this is finally released, I should have about 4500 gold and 2000 dust. That's not counting all the dust I'll get from GVG and Naxx cards if I need it. There will be absolutely zero reason to spend $$ on new packs. Especially since my interest level will be just a few notches above zero after 6 more weeks of combo druid and secret pally.

I feel like they're really fucking the goat on this one. But I'm not a WoW fag so maybe this is just par for the course with Blizzard?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lol, harsh. I still don't understand Reno decks that play two of a card. I was ripping a Reno warr last night with aggrodin and he tries his best to stall to get one of whatever doubles he had. In the end, drops Reno and hopes I concede automatically. A few seconds later, he concedes. He was doing a fantastic job and the Reno would have finished me. Instead....nope.
Because in some decks the value of running doubles of some cards outweighs the games where you lose because you couldn't activate Reno early. For example, Reno freeze still runs several 2 ofs. You could easily get away with running one or two 2 ofs in reno lock lists as well. There's some real value to running a second power overwhelming in Reno lock, since it lets you either use one freely early on or adds a lot of damage to your combo.

The Ancient_sl

I wouldn't view that as a precedent. Naxx was released nearly 2 years ago and it, most likely, hasn't even crossed their minds. They don't really go back and balance around Arena so Thaddius just never got on their radar in regards to Arena. C'Thun is a bit different since they're making a conscious decision up front regarding them synergy cards.
But it's stupid and arbitrary. They put cards in Arena that don't even pass the vanilla test. The c'thun cards are preferable to those.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Because in some decks the value of running doubles of some cards outweighs the games where you lose because you couldn't activate Reno early. For example, Reno freeze still runs several 2 ofs. You could easily get away with running one or two 2 ofs in reno lock lists as well. There's some real value to running a second power overwhelming in Reno lock, since it lets you either use one freely early on or adds a lot of damage to your combo.
I should have said I don't understand the risk. In a game ruled by RnG, you decide to screw with the reason you built the deck? It reminds me of running one patron in patron warr. It can still win but why fuck with your win condition? Especially in lock, that one extra PO just isn't worth it. Plenty of options in that deck. I'd say the same about freeze Reno but the standard version's consistency has already killed that deck


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lol this armchair analysis by Reynad. "I like him dealing one damage to the egg, he's going to have to deal with it eventually, its a heads up play." Two turns later...."Dealing 1 damage to that egg earlier really was a mistake that'll cost him this game."


Mr. Poopybutthole
I should have said I don't understand the risk. In a game ruled by RnG, you decide to screw with the reason you built the deck? It reminds me of running one patron in patron warr. It can still win but why fuck with your win condition? Especially in lock, that one extra PO just isn't worth it. Plenty of options in that deck. I'd say the same about freeze Reno but the standard version's consistency has already killed that deck
Because the payoff of running doubles of some cards outweighs the risk of losing games because you couldn't activate Reno early? That's the exact same question just rephrased. If I was still running arcane golem instead of leeroy I'd absolutely be running double PO. And no, it's nothing at all like running one patron in patron warrior. You also can't guarantee an early Reno draw.

Lol this armchair analysis by Reynad. "I like him dealing one damage to the egg, he's going to have to deal with it eventually, its a heads up play." Two turns later...."Dealing 1 damage to that egg earlier really was a mistake that'll cost him this game."
Reynad is a moron. I don't think he's done anything significant in Hearthstone since Vanilla.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think the new paladin card will replace Mustard. Mustard's beauty was being an early game board presence with a weapon to help deal with small drops. On turn 5 I want more than five 1/1s. Especially with Quartermaster rotating out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That card is unplayable garbage compared to muster. Actually I think it's just unplayable garbage period.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, maybe with quartermaster, but even then its a turn 10 play with no immediate impact. With no quartermaster as well, whats the point.


Unless there is some major new token support card for Pallies, I can't see it being used under any circumstances. Juggler will be gone (or gutted), there are tons of great five drops and honestly, what the hell is the use of five 1/1s?

Muster was tempo + KJ synergy + a weapon. It was a great card for Palladin period. This is substantially worse than Ball of Spiders.