

Bronze Baron of the Realm
The first couple of brawls I had went pretty quick. Then they slowed down a lot. People didn't do anything for the longest time, just collecting cards. It was like turn 8/10 before they would play a card.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Yup, there's plenty of "remove a minion without killing it" solutions already, and classes that don't have any could get class cards with Silence or a new type of removal affect if necessary, but honestly, look at the list already:

Mage: Poly/Freeze
Shaman: Hex
Paladin: Humility/Aldor
Druid: Poison Seeds
Priest: Cabal/Silence/Mind Control/Shadow Madness/Confuse
Hunter: Freezing Trap/Misdirection
Rogue: Vanish/Sap

Warrior: Just removes
Warlock: Just removes

So every class already has removal options that aren't outright "kill" except Warrior and Warlock whom have the best removals in the game already.
We already established that shaman, Priest and Druid can silence and might have other means, and that mage has poly.

The examples listed for other classes do not really get rid of a minion without killing it, they only delay the minion or or kill it anyway. Don't look at something as major as removing neutral silence just based on current cards or meta decks. If neutral silence didn't exist, warrior, warlock, rogue, hunter and paladin would have a hard time playing around a "you win the game" deathrattle on an opposing minion, to give a very exaggerated example. They are changing cards next week that are not currently played because those cards limit their design space. Not having neutral silence would similarly limit their design space or force them to give those classes answers similar to poly/silence. And if it comes to that they might as well keep neutral silence in the game (overcost it is fine though).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Don't look at something as major as removing neutral silence just based on current cards or meta decks.
Don't tell me what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If neutral silence didn't exist, warrior, warlock, rogue, hunter and paladin would have a hard time playing around a "you win the game" deathrattle on an opposing minion, to give a very exaggerated example.

Warrior never runs silence because they don't need it.
Warlock runs owl in zoo and sometimes reno. But Warlock doesn't need silence in most decks, removal already too good.
Rogue never runs silence, all of their class cards are removals pretty much.
Hunter needs silence and is most affected, and I mentioned Hunter as the class most affected.
Paladin rarely runs owl, they already have shitload of ways to negate minions. I run an owl in Secret paladin but most Paladins don't run any.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I won both my brawls, one as war then as rogue, just playing tempo. Didn't matter if they were shitty 3/4/5 cost minions, I grabbed them and played them. No one really recovered from just playing dudes before turn 6. I also had some hilarious legendary picks for the later turns.... sneed's and Rafaam in the warrior game (into the 3/3 zombies artifact), Cairne, Rag, Anub (none of which I even got a chance to play) in the rogue game.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Your point about current and past decks/builds/matchups stands, and I agree. Not every decks runs silence, and there would be other choices if we look beyond owl (well, one other choice).

That just isn't adressing my point. Here it is again: Blizzard wants to open up design space. They said as much and the changes to rogue and charge minions are at least partially motivated by that goal. Silence or similar effects being unavailable to 5 of 9 classes puts a certain limit on design options. Keeping neutral silence, albeit badly costed, is preferable to inventing several new silence-like effects for those classes.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
If you design something that requires silence then you have bad design. I can't get behind anything that would require i put owl or spellbreaker in my deck. Sylvanas, ysera and tirion are some of the most powerful minions you would want to silence already and most classes can manage just fine already.

Only aggro decks have proven to rely heavily on silence. It's a terrible mechanic.

Ideally you want tech cards that bypass certain things. A card that "remove a minions deathrattle" or "remove taunt from a minion" is far superior than a blanket silence


Thinking about Ancient of Lore change, it seems a bit severe when compared with a neutral Azure Drake. 5 mana 4/4 draw 1 and +1 spellpower vs. 7 mana 5/5 draw 1 or heal. It costs 2 mana more for an additional 1/1 stats and the option to heal, but no spellpower. I think 6 mana cost would be more appropriate. If the option to heal or draw is too valuable, you could lower the heal amount to 3 or 4.


<Bronze Donator>
7 mana for a 5/5 3 damage is objectively worse than a fire elemental. Cross class comparison muddy that? "Choose" worth that much?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was going with his six mana change also, but really the option to draw a card is pretty good actually. As a class card yeah, maybe six mana.

The Ancient_sl

Yup, there's plenty of "remove a minion without killing it" solutions already, and classes that don't have any could get class cards with Silence or a new type of removal affect if necessary, but honestly, look at the list already:

Mage: Poly/Freeze
Shaman: Hex
Paladin: Humility/Aldor
Druid: Poison Seeds
Priest: Cabal/Silence/Mind Control/Shadow Madness/Confuse
Hunter: Freezing Trap/Misdirection
Rogue: Vanish/Sap

Warrior: Just removes
Warlock: Just removes

So every class already has removal options that aren't outright "kill" except Warrior and Warlock whom have the best removals in the game already.

There's a reason they don't make anymore good silence cards. It's OP just like Charge. I am fine with Light's Champion type silences being a Neutral, as it counters a specific type of minion only. Wailing Soul is fine too since it's a self-silence. Spellbreaker and Owl are the only neutral silences that affect any minion, and both are from classic. As I said, Silence makes the most sense being limited to class cards. You don't see Neutral minions with a "Polymorph" or "Hex" battlecry. The best CC options shouldn't be on neutral bodies.

Even though Owl/Spellbreaker will remain neutral, I am glad for the fact Spellbreaker may be a viable option now over Owl. Owl was just too oppressive. Owl will still probably get used most since Hunter needs the Beast synergy.
Poison Seeds kills the minion. You meant Recycle I think.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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