

Mr. Poopybutthole
Oh unique art? that's pretty slick. I've got such a craving to play hearthstone but good god I hate the meta so much. Tuesday cannot come soon enough.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, they pretty much had to create a third minion form since each choice of the "choose one" transformed it into a different beast.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>

New game board as well.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Those are cool new art for the druid transforms. Another cool combo would be Cenarius, 4 minions on board and give all but Cenarius +2/+2, that's going to be:

4/4 with Taunt
4/4 with Taunt

Achievable if he sticks or if you hold 2x Innervate in hand until 9 mana.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You realize prep is basically the single strongest tempo card in the game right? Only thing I'm conflicted about is maybe pulling rag for a second sprint.


Here's my yogg list. Think this will be the first time I've ever crafted a legendary just to troll people.Mage - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn


Molten Core Raider
You realize prep is basically the single strongest tempo card in the game right? Only thing I'm conflicted about is maybe pulling rag for a second sprint.
I'd say prep is one of the strongest ramp cards in the game, as a tempo card it's alright, and as a value card it's bad. The question is can tempo rogue afford a bad value card for the ramp effect?

In my experience no it cannot afford a card which doesn't directly effect the board at all... unless it's extreme value like sprint and even then only as a one of. They don't have the card draw engine to mess around with stuff like that. I played a ton of tempo rogue in the first three or so seasons of hearthstone and I regretted it every time I put prep in since your cards are already so high tempo that usually you're sitting with it just waiting for sprint, or you're in topdeck mode and you draw a do nothing preparation and wish it was literally anything else.

It's not like combo rogue where you're drawing, drawing, drawing, and the prep gets you to your big oil hit or miracle turn faster or keeps you alive in the meantime. Tempo rogue doesn't win with the big miracle hit, so if you have a card with no intrinsic board effect you'll just run out of steam faster.

However... If you are running more of a combo orientated tempo list, then preparation is good, because it allows you to complete your combo turn more effectively. Oil lists used to be more tempo orientated, then as they got more combo focused you saw the preps being put in.

Except, your tempo deck is essentially a combo deck with no combo it in, with 14 creatures total you're actually going to have difficulty with it I'd expect. Tempo mage runs at least 18, and two of their secrets turn into creatures as well.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Valishar makes a lot of good points and I agree the Rogue list seems to lack punch. You have a lot of removals as if you're buying time for a combo finisher but lack a lot of threatening minions.

I wonder with so many combo activators now in Rogue if Shado Pan Riders will be used more


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So I tried my hand at a Rogue concept. Just a first draft and I'm not a Rogue master, like ~50 wins in ranked. Need a deck I can grind tons of games with.

Shadowcaster Rogue - Hearthstone Decks


Malygos + Conceal, next turn acquire up to 2 more Malygos with Shadowcasters. 3x Malygos x 2x Sinister Strikes = 36 damage for 4 mana


Rag + Conceal, next turn acquire up to 2 more Rags with Shadowcasters as a finisher in combination with some spells

Emperor included to allow other situations.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I tried my hand at a Rogue concept. Just a first draft and I'm not a Rogue master, like ~50 wins in ranked. Need a deck I can grind tons of games with.

Shadowcaster Rogue - Hearthstone Decks


Malygos + Conceal, next turn acquire up to 2 more Malygos with Shadowcasters. 3x Malygos x 2x Sinister Strikes = 36 damage for 4 mana


Rag + Conceal, next turn acquire up to 2 more Rags with Shadowcasters as a finisher in combination with some spells

Emperor included to allow other situations.
I would just play normal miracle rogue lol


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I would just play normal miracle rogue lol
Whats going to be the Miracle deck? Cause I don't play Rogue and only remember it with Leeroy lol.

I know there's a Maly Rogue deck in current meta and basically modeled this version after that a little. Biggest issue will be board clears. Tempted to put in Flurry again. Since no Flurry I was trying to load in more minions instead. It's going to be rough for Rogue because lack of board clear, taunts and heals will make games a headache. I'm thinking Rogue need to lose a lot of spells and be like 80% minions


I'll never understand the casters at these HS tournaments.

They constantly give out bad information, second guess obvious plays, and can't do something simple as add...

Maybe I'm more sensitive because I know this game in and out, but it bothers the fuck out of me. I am triggered.

On the off chance they actually get someone that knows shit the bitch can barely speak English. I think they need to just hire some HS players maybe that will work better.


<Bronze Donator>
I'll never understand the casters at these HS tournaments.

They constantly give out bad information, second guess obvious plays, and can't do something simple as add...

Maybe I'm more sensitive because I know this game in and out, but it bothers the fuck out of me. I am triggered.

On the off chance they actually get someone that knows shit the bitch can barely speak English. I think they need to just hire some HS players maybe that will work better.
Some of the most enjoyable casting for me was like Frodan Savjz Firebat at Seatstory


Mr. Poopybutthole
After giving it some thought, I actually think standard is going to be the worst meta in the history of hearthstone.


<Bronze Donator>
If you weren't going to play Hunter, Warlock, or Paladin (10 more wins on Paladin and it'll be golden, other 2 are already) what would you play to get to legend right now?


<Bronze Donator>
I hate Druid with a passion tbh, which is ironic because I have 325 ranked wins with it. It gives me an ulcer though, because I always draw like shit with it. I think I'm going to wait on Druid till after the expansion and see if I can make a ramp deck work.

I'm kind of thinking that mid-range bullshit Warrior, or maybe Freeze mage