Yesterday I deranked to 10 from 5 but got back down to 5 with this Reno N'Zoth Hunter deck I made today.
Deathrattle deck wasn't performing so well anymore so I converted it to Reno and it's working really nicely.
I'm going to grind the new season with it and see how high it can climb.
Performs pretty well with several comeback mechanics: Reno, Call of the Wild, N'Zoth
Couple ways to refill hand: Infest, Cult Master
Flex: MC Tech and Thalnos are the 2 main flex. Forlorn Stalker can be a flex too. I often find he gives me decent value though. He trades with the 3/4 C'Thun dude too.
Cards you can consider depending on meta:
Refreshment Vendor
Harrison Jones
Original list had Farseer and Refreshment Vendor instead of MC Tech and Black Knight, mainly cause I forgot about TBK when making the deck. He's necessary right now.
BGH isn't very necessary right now. Hardly any 7+ attack minions except the shaman dude and C'Thun
Harrison is unlikely to give much value right now, few matchups with important weapons (just Doomhammer or Weapon Warrior), and chance of having Harrison when needed in those few matchups is low.
I've yet to try Acidmaw... might be good but without 2 copies of Hounds I am doubtful. There are some situations I wish I had him, but it's infrequent enough.
Zoo is probably the toughest match because this list isn't super aggro, tough to burst them down, and they keep pouring out minions. 1 copy of Hounds is limiting. Cyclopian Horror can get good value. Save Explosive Shot to kill Councilman.
Against C'Thun decks it normally pays to keep N'Zoth off the mull. Getting your God first usually means you win. Keeping a 10 drop is risky though. The few losses to C'Thun decks have normally been to lack of drawing N'Zoth.
Against C'Thun priests you want to bait out Entomb on something other then Sylvanas. Give them Cairne instead.
I normally Infest on 3+ targets unless my hand is low then Ill settle for 2 targets.