- 370
- 18
I was waiting for him to exhaust his removal and/or monkey up before playing Cthun. Then, I played monkey a couple turns after I played Cthun. I used my last removal on his Cthun. I may have been too liberal with my removal use earlier in the game. I was playing this list:
I used first Brawl on T5. He had AoP and 2 other small minions on board and I had none.
Used second Brawl on T10 when he had Sylvanas and 2 small minions and I had none.
Used Shield Slam 1 on T11 on an Ancient Shieldbearer. This was probably unnecessary.
Used Execute 1 on his Doomcaller on T15. Game is looking good at this point - he has 29 health, I have 47.
Use Execute 2 on his Cthun on T16.
He plays Monkey and Nexus Champ1 on T18.
He plays Nexus Champ2 on T19. I play 16/16 Cthun - kills 1 but leaves the other at 1 health.
T20 he Mulchs my Cthun.
T22 I Monkey. The last undrawn card in my deck is Shield Slam.
So that's what went down. Flame away.

I used first Brawl on T5. He had AoP and 2 other small minions on board and I had none.
Used second Brawl on T10 when he had Sylvanas and 2 small minions and I had none.
Used Shield Slam 1 on T11 on an Ancient Shieldbearer. This was probably unnecessary.
Used Execute 1 on his Doomcaller on T15. Game is looking good at this point - he has 29 health, I have 47.
Use Execute 2 on his Cthun on T16.
He plays Monkey and Nexus Champ1 on T18.
He plays Nexus Champ2 on T19. I play 16/16 Cthun - kills 1 but leaves the other at 1 health.
T20 he Mulchs my Cthun.
T22 I Monkey. The last undrawn card in my deck is Shield Slam.
So that's what went down. Flame away.