So.. last night I'm playing hunter in arena. Get a rogue down to 1 life, I've got a few minions out, he plays some minions, no mana left, doesn't gain health.. all I have to do is hit hero power on my turn to win, or attack with any minion... expecting him to just concede any second now... then, I get disconnected.
I about threw my laptop across the room. Wasn't blizzard's fault though, my internet lost connection, couldn't even load a website.
Wait 20 minutes, do a reboot of modem/router, internet comes back up. Decide to login and see if I lost or maybe he conceded in time, nope, I lost. I'm at 3-2 now, so I thought I might finish the run real quick. Get into game, while mulliganing, disconnect again :-/
I don't blame blizzard, but man I wish there was some way to report obvious wins like that and have a customer service rep award you a win. If you report situations where it's possible you could have still possibly lost, in any way, you get penalized though. Not talking like 'oh he could only draw deathwing to not die' situations, you still have a chance to lose those, however small.