The deck that i've been consistently losing to (ranks 1-3) has been control warrior. I think i've lost at least 10 matches, and each was a 20+ minute fest. It's fucking annoying.
Control warrior has so much removal, it has so much overall health, there really isn't shit many decks can do. And i'm playing the OP shaman fotm midrange deck. I guess mid-range hunter does well against it?
Having said this, i think that the nerfs are generally not well thought out at all. I think they chose the easiest path and said fuck it. There were way more creative ways to change each of the cards.
I specifically think that Execute should have been changed in a more creative way. As it stands, it's still a 2 mana kill anything, if you have a minion or axe on board, or 3 mana with a Blood to Ichor activator etc. What i would have liked to see is a change to something along the lines of: Destroy a minion if it is below 50% health. This would go in line with WoW's execute mechanic as well. I just don't see this nerf affecting the strongest warrior archetype (Control warrior) as it spends a lot of turns, early and late, simply passing and having an abundance of mana. Now that i think about it, it's the only archetype that can play off curve and still dominate.
This game, as a whole, has too much removal. No matter how powerful a minion you drop, generally it only sees the light of one or two turns, and to me this is poor game design. I want my Legendary minion to wreak havoc and actually mean something, because, as it stands, there is no difference between dropping 8 mana, 8 health Rag, or 2 mana, 1 health Bloodmage. Each dies within a turn.
Also, Yogg should have been nerfed harder. There will still be tons of games completely decided by Yogg and his bullshit RNG. As i posted yesterday, i had two games in a row where an opponent's Yogg Shaodwstepped himself and then proceeded to wipe my full board. Ok, this won't happen now, but there will still be games decided by his retarded RNG. This is what they needed to get away from and they've basically only half assed it. What about Yogg casts X spells (random targets) that cost less than Y mana? Like the Servant, but scaled for the mana cost. The fact that Yogg can still cast Call of the Wild etc, just makes it retarded.
Anyways, wru Eternal beta... And wru ES:Legends... I've got money to be taken!!