I think about switching from this game to Artifact, but I think it's just not for me.
I played WoW, so I get almost all of the references in Hearthstone. I never played DOTA so it's all unfamiliar and anything potentially clever is lost on me.
HS is expensive if you want to have cards for lots of deck types, but there are ways to play where you don't have drop large chunks of cash. Artifact is apparently $1/game? WTF? I see that and it's a hard no. That's just insulting. What is this, a '90s arcade with inflation?
I haven't been playing HS the last probably 6 weeks, mostly because they faceplanted on the last 2 expacs so hard. Witchwood introduced odd/even decks, and pretty much nothing else, and odd paladin is horrible cancer. Boomsday introduced a few low tier mech/bomb type decks, and basically nothing else in the way of deck concepts. The magnetic effect plays almost exactly like buff spells. HOW INNOVATIVE!
I have to say though, this next expac looks promising. Sure, no new game modes, but eh, it's really always been about card quality and card innovation anyway. Do that part right and the game is at least somewhat entertaining.
I fully admit I'm probably rationalizing here and succumbing to the sunk cost fallacy, but I'll probably give this xpac a chance. This is the last chance for this game if it sucks though.