Behold Your New Mechanical Overlord!
Log in to the Rise of the Mech event by anytime between June 3 and July 1 and earn a golden copy of the new neutral Legendary Mech, SN1P-SN4P! Crash this clawed clunker into another Mech to build a behemoth of a bot, then do it again!
Missed the event? You can craft a normal SN1P-SN4P for the usual cost of 1600 Dust.
- Important Note: SN1P-SN4P will be considered part of the The Boomsday Project and will rotate with that set. Note, however that SN1P-SN4P will not drop from The Boomsday Project card packs. Golden SN1P-SN4P will only be obtainable as part of the Rise of the Mech event, and the normal SN1P-SN4P can only be crafted with dust.
Card Changes:
The twisted tinkerer Blastmaster Boom has been busy in the lab cooking up buffs to cards from every class! These changes are permanent, and the cards will keep their updated stats after The Boomsday Project rotates out of Standard next year. For some context and insight into why we’re updating these cards, here’s a comment from the design team:
For this update, we decided to take two cards from The Boomsday Project from each class and give them a slight power boost. We think all the cards we chose can lead to fun and interesting experiences, and our aim for these changes is to encourage you to think differently about how you’re currently building decks. We’re hoping that some of these cards will see consistent play in the current rotation, and even inspire completely new decks without having a lasting negative impact on their respective classes. If the goal of a balance update is to address metagame outliers, then the goal of something like the Rise of the Mech update is to inspire some fun, new ideas. We look forward to hearing your feedback!
Our Next Arena Season will be Electrifying!
Blastmaster Boom needs more test subjects, and what better place to find them than the Arena? Starting with the Rise of the Mech update on June 3, the available cards in Arena drafts will be rotating to the following
explosively exciting sets:
- Classic
- Basic
- Goblins vs. Gnomes
- The Grand Tournament
- Karazhan
- The Boomsday Project
- Rise of Shadows