I was one win away from Legend, played for four more hours, now I'm at rank 3. As I was dusting my collection for the second time, I pondered what I actually enjoy about this game.
Winning a game is fun, especially when it's close and it feels like you made the right choice.
Collecting cards is fun, I guess. But I've got more than enough disposable income that that really don't make a difference.
Playing with friends, especially my brother, is a plus.
But I never feel like I have enough experience to home brew a deck. I'm always just pulling decks off the net. Nor do I feel like I have enough games played at any moment to tech against the meta. I played a mirror match where the warrior executed my Rampaged Grom. That lost me the game but I feel like that was the wrong tech decision for my opponent. The really frustrating thing is that I don't have the necessary amount of games played to actually confidently speak to those opinions. Law of averages says you need hundreds of games for that to prove out.
I didn't want to hit legend to qualify for Grandmasters or deal with the even more cutthroat meta. I wanted to stop caring about the impact of losses on progression. It was at this point I went through the above, trying to find some reason I enjoy the game besides artificial progression.
Making the right choices when the game provides you the cards to do so seems to be pretty much it. Maybe I'm just super salty right now, but I don't feel like that happens often enough. Sorry for the rant.