Any suggestions on a consistent deck? At least, as consistent as Hearthstone can be. I want to try a deck that mitigates dead draws or buried answers. Or maybe I'm just too salty.
I've tried Lunacy Mage(no C'Thun) and Secret Libram Paladin. They are both powerful, but both due to at least one card each that should be nerfed. Don't get your sword early or both Penflingers? Have fun top-decking shitty secrets. Deck of Lunacy buried in your deck? You're quite literally playing a different deck. I swear I've generated Deck of Lunacy more times than I've drawn it.
I'm considering Control Warlock but its win rate doesn't look that good and might be on the down turn since it takes advantage of a greedy unrefined meta.
Also considering Miracle Rogue. But each time I play it, I quite frequently get turns with pieces in my hand that look weak and I have no idea how to put together. I need like 5 minutes to put this shit together.