

Bronze Knight of the Realm
I <3 Amaz too and he said he didn't think RDU did anything.
Amaz is probably just a nice guy doing what he thinks is best for the future of Hearthstone. Artosis would probably kill his mother to cover up a cheating scandal. SC2 is basically dead, and he missed the DOTA/LoL train. If Hearthstone fails he has to get a real job. Last thing Artosis wants are sponsors scared away by rampant cheating at tournaments. I hardly think he's the only one who'd cover up a scandal for financial reasons.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'll take druids over priests any day of the week. Almost every game I play is just a drawn out battle of attrition that lasts forever.
What rank is this? I'm getting 75% druid between ranks 5 and 3. I suppose it's only frustrating because my deck matches poorly against druid =/


Blackwing Lair Raider
Amaz is probably just a nice guy doing what he thinks is best for the future of Hearthstone. Artosis would probably kill his mother to cover up a cheating scandal. SC2 is basically dead, and he missed the DOTA/LoL train. If Hearthstone fails he has to get a real job. Last thing Artosis wants are sponsors scared away by rampant cheating at tournaments. I hardly think he's the only one who'd cover up a scandal for financial reasons.
Yeah, really nothing Amaz could do in that situation other than congratulate rdu, anything else would have just reflected on him poorly imo.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So fucking sick of force/roar. I'd rather play against nothing but miracle all day long rather than a faggot druid.


<Silver Donator>
Amaz is probably just a nice guy doing what he thinks is best for the future of Hearthstone. Artosis would probably kill his mother to cover up a cheating scandal. SC2 is basically dead, and he missed the DOTA/LoL train. If Hearthstone fails he has to get a real job. Last thing Artosis wants are sponsors scared away by rampant cheating at tournaments. I hardly think he's the only one who'd cover up a scandal for financial reasons.
There's still HotS, and since it's also Blizzard, he shouldn't have too much of a problem getting in that once it starts picking up by the end of the year or so.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I'm getting around 75% druid too, I probably should just play handlock. But every time I switch over it goes, hunter, hunter, shaman, zoo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I'm getting around 75% druid too, I probably should just play handlock. But every time I switch over it goes, hunter, hunter, shaman, zoo.
I swear hearthstone is trolling the users lol. It seems to happen to me as well. I switch a few cards for more zoo control and all I face is priest and druid. I switch to handle bigger threats and I get zoo and paladin aggro =)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Druids may you burn in hell. I dropped from rank 3 to rank 6 tonight lol! Still getting at least 75% druid matchups. Have not scene a miracle rogue in days. That said, What's good against these retarded late game druids? I'd love to run that deck. Then again, once I start running it...

The Master

Bronze Squire
What rank is this? I'm getting 75% druid between ranks 5 and 3. I suppose it's only frustrating because my deck matches poorly against druid =/
Time to switch decks. Some ranks you run into the same class a bunch, you'll rank up faster if you switch to something that counters them. Best counter to Druid is probably control Warrior, handlock, some Shaman decks.


<Silver Donator>
Handlock. I love to face druids, except this MOTHER FUCKER I faced last night, his deck was fucking made to fuck with handlock. This douchebag was playing Oracles for card draw and naturalize. Fuck him.
Gah this game frustrates me. Rank 8-10 this morning with a win rate of less than 20%. Is there a resource that gives some ideas about which type of deck counters which type of deck? I know having that is like having a walk through to some degree, but I don't care right now.


<Silver Donator>
Trying both zoo and handlock and failing miserably. It's probably me just being bad.
Handlock is very strong right now, but it takes a while to get used to. It's easy to get impatient with handlock and fuck up. Know when it's safe to tap and when to sacrifice your big minions to clear the board is key.

You'll still be 50/50 against zoo, it's all the on the draw vs that fucking deck. if you get a ancient watcher and a taunter right off the bat you can linger there till you can start droping drakes and giants and clear the board, but it won't be easy at any rate.

Face hunters are a pain in the ass, but I find I have decent win rate against them around rank 5 right now, but again it's really all in the draw.

Druids are pretty much easy mode, Control warriors are not hard either, just bait his shield slams and executes with your drakes, be mindful of the black knight when taunting your minions and watch out for brawl, don't put too many things on the board. Make sure you got a removal for Rag and Ysera, if it gets to the point where he drops Grommash he's probably finishing you off anyway.

I think I've lost twice to a priest since rank 18, an early double drop of injured blademaster + CoH that I couldn't remove and got fucked up. Not a super hard match up, just a long matchup.

I don't find miracle rogues to be very difficult with handlock, you can just drop really annoying threats for him to deal with constantly.

The only 2 decks I have trouble against are fucking stall mages and Shammies. Shammies I can deal with half the time, but Mages my record is fucking abysmal against them. I just can't put enough pressure on them with all the fucking control they have.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So after being within spitting distance yesterday, I opened up today with a 3 game losing streak that puts me at 0 stars in rank 2, and I had to quit because I probably would have put my fist through my monitor if I dropped back to rank 3 again. It is unreal how I get bad matchup after bad matchup, even when I fucking switch decks. The current meta is easily the worst it has ever been, and it makes me long for the days of hunter aggro again.