

Trakanon Raider
Nerubian egg card has me excited. That's probably my favorite card this expansion. A 0/2 minion that can be buffed and when dies that turns into a 4/4 minion for 2 mana is awesome. A card like that will make players that use aoe spells will think twice. Hell you can destroy it and gain a 4/4. Not many cards that you can kill and gain a very good benefit from it.


Poet Warrior
I like your idea elidib and I might try it. If you anticipate your opponent (Naxx NPCs) to not have targeted silence, I would also weight Divine Shield pretty high as well.

The Master

Bronze Squire
If you really think the Naxx NPCs are going to be running OP minions, one MC instead of Ysera would probably be good. But I think you just have to wait and see.


Vyemm Raider
Nerubian egg card has me excited. That's probably my favorite card this expansion. A 0/2 minion that can be buffed and when dies that turns into a 4/4 minion for 2 mana is awesome. A card like that will make players that use aoe spells will think twice. Hell you can destroy it and gain a 4/4. Not many cards that you can kill and gain a very good benefit from it.
Turn 2 egg , Turn 3 coin, power overwhelming the egg, hit face, void terror



<Silver Donator>
If you void terror, does the deathrattle still trigger? I thought it didn't.
Void terror destroys cards, so yeah it triggers. Only thing that doesn't trigger is when a mob is changed into another(polymorph, hex, poultrizer, the other gnome etc).

As for naxx decks, I think you'll want to customize decks for specific bosses. Plus there's also challenges and shit which seem to have different rules to deck lists so who knows what you'll play with. Definitely will make some unused cards useful though, like running mirror entity in every mage deck if the boss you're figthing has big mobs, running 2 mind controls, running naturalize and shit like that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No legend this season. Got to rank 3 two star then lost it. This was my first full season so I don't feel horrible. Legend or bust this month!


Had fun with the meta lately doing a SmurfLock with Rag and Maly instead of the two Facelesses. In no way is it really better or even viable but it was terribly enjoyable to "let them" go late on occasion and then Maly to double soulfire or just otherwise abuse spells left over. Hell, did it with Yesera too and loved the rage until I killed my own ass a few times.

Maly is likely the second most fun card after Juraxis! (By no means best... just fun~!)


Had fun with the meta lately doing a SmurfLock with Rag and Maly instead of the two Facelesses. In no way is it really better or even viable but it was terribly enjoyable to "let them" go late on occasion and then Maly to double soulfire or just otherwise abuse spells left over. Hell, did it with Yesera too and loved the rage until I killed my own ass a few times.

Maly is likely the second most fun card after Juraxis! (By no means best... just fun~!)


I tried a bit of Maly priest for fun, but found Velen was better simply due to the lower mana cost. I think Maly really needs those 0 mana spells.


I think that there are already some combos that work okay with void terror, but the problem is that if you are relying on combos then you want a bigger impact than void terror brings to make up for all the times that you only have one half of the combo. Void terror also scales bad if you go much later than turn 5, and he is weak to silence. I think it needs base stats of 3/4 or even just 2/4 to make it a good card. If you could just have it eat a 1 health minion and become a Yeti then it might be worth using in decks with abusive sergents or ironbeak owls. Another problem is that warlocks do not run loot hoarders, which currently would be one of the best cards to use void terror with.


<Silver Donator>
You just don't get enough from the sacrifice generally, which is where the deathrattle shit will come into play. Nerubian Egg looks like a pretty cool card anyway, at the very least it's gonna draw a silence. Wonder if they'll show the entire set before releasing it.


Trakanon Raider
Best I did this season was 4 stars into Rank 5. Then I got some non-optimal dailies and did them in ranked and went down to rank 6. Rank, literally, doesn't matter unless you want the Legendary card back so I'd rather have wins toward a Golden Portrait than do the dailies in casual (even if I'm only getting 2 to 5 wins per daily towards the golden portrait).


Molten Core Raider
Just ran into a butthurt Rogue named Ozzmosys who was clearly losing but was bugging out my turn by somehow targetting me with his attack (weapon) as he ended the turn. As long as his arrow (the red arrow that shows what he is targetting) was on my screen during my turn I could NOT cast any spell that targetted something (I'm assuming because his target cursor was already on the screen.) Meant I couldn't Hammer of Wrath or Lay on Hands myself.

I still beat him, but pretty game-breaking.
