

Golden Knight of the Realm
It kinda looks like you net-decked something designed for naxx boss encounters or something. You should really get away from the shell you're using. Inner Fire/Divine Spirit priest decks are really not consistent at all as they just have bad value. You often end up slow pitching the other guy a 3-for-1. Lightspawn, Lightwell, and Stoneskin Gargoyle are all generally bad for constructed.

Looking at pretty much any priest deck listed here will give you a better starting place.

GvG Top Decks Recap!


Molten Core Raider
It kinda looks like you net-decked something designed for naxx boss encounters or something. You should really get away from the shell you're using. Inner Fire/Divine Spirit priest decks are really not consistent at all as they just have bad value. You often end up slow pitching the other guy a 3-for-1. Lightspawn, Lightwell, and Stoneskin Gargoyle are all generally bad for constructed.

Looking at pretty much any priest deck listed here will give you a better starting place.

GvG Top Decks Recap!
That's exactly what it was for originally. Lol

Edit: Shit all of this has Legendaries out of the ass, lol.


Molten Core Raider
Why the fuck are mages a thing in this fucking game? FUCK, THEY HAVE TO MANY ANSWERS IT'S NOT EVEN FAIR.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What classes do you have epics and legendaries for? Might make sense to start with something you're already reasonably strong with.


Molten Core Raider
I have all of the Naxx ones, and I have Gahz'rilla, Al'akir, and Grommosh.

I really just want to get good at Arena right now, though. That way I can win fabulous prizes.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
How many GvG card packs have you opened? Mech mages are pretty straightforward and don't rely on legendaries. It's nice to have a Boom and an Antonidas, but not strictly necessary, I cracked rank 5 last season using it and had neither. Same goes for Zoolock. Just google "Xixo zoo" and there is a really nice write-up on Liquid Hearth - how to play against each match-up, positioning, and what to mulligan for and it doesn't require any legendaries or epics either. Finally, you could play your Grommash in an OTK Warrior build, again look up "OTK Warrior" on liquidhearth and there is a nice write-up on it, but you might have to craft one or two epics if you don't have a shield slam.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Zoo has been a little weak in the meta lately but it generally always has a chance still.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Ya, but it requires zero legendaries or epics and it's better than that priest build with lightwells, lightspawns, and divine spirits, lol.


Molten Core Raider
How many GvG card packs have you opened? Mech mages are pretty straightforward and don't rely on legendaries. It's nice to have a Boom and an Antonidas, but not strictly necessary, I cracked rank 5 last season using it and had neither. Same goes for Zoolock. Just google "Xixo zoo" and there is a really nice write-up on Liquid Hearth - how to play against each match-up, positioning, and what to mulligan for and it doesn't require any legendaries or epics either. Finally, you could play your Grommash in an OTK Warrior build, again look up "OTK Warrior" on liquidhearth and there is a nice write-up on it, but you might have to craft one or two epics if you don't have a shield slam.
Cracked quite a few by now.


Trakanon Raider
Just had my first Arena run with less than 6+ wins in many weeks and I went 1-3 but then opened this:


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I opened a Malorne with my free GvG packs on opening day. Was pretty stoked and did well that day with it, but never had much success after that. Too many BGH's running around. Are you planning on running it and in what kind of build?


Trakanon Raider
I opened a Malorne with my free GvG packs on opening day. Was pretty stoked and did well that day with it, but never had much success after that. Too many BGH's running around. Are you planning on running it and in what kind of build?
Already had Malorne. Have every useful GvG legendary now.


Trakanon Raider
So how are post-UT nerf zoo and hunters doing?
Zoo is kind of weak right now since other classes do it better. Hunter is just fine and they still make decks around face going.

The Undertaker nerf was not designed to kill off hunters or force a major paradigm shift with them. Anyone who thought so was deluding themselves. The nerf was designed to address a card which was blatantly overpowered and bring it into line of a 1 cost.