The issue with Oil is that it is not a long term deck. It's going to suffer to handlock. Additionally Patron Warrior is generally a 6 mana to 9 mana play depending on when Thaurissan came out (if it did) and what you have on the mat already. You sure as shit won't have the Warsong out those are killed before Thaurissan even. So Oil has to be saved for Blade Flurry or a poison and Blade Flurry whichever. Because you're saving those for the Warrior combo that is a lot less damage you have to play with against Shieldmaidens, Frothings, hell even Acolyte of Pain since normally a quick Poison/weapon can remove it with only a one card gain for the Warrior. I just don't see the Oil Rogue matchup against Patron Warrior/Control Warrior as being a solid. In any event Oil isn't 3rd, that is just bullshit. I am at rank 8 currently with around 300 games played this season. Since rank 10 (and that is being generous I think) I haven't seen any rogues. Face Hunter, Control Warrior, Patron Warrior, and variations of Mage is all I see. Occasionally I'll see a Paladin or Mech Shaman. Very rare though. My experiences are not the end all be all by any means but if Oil were really that strong in this meta you can bet your ass I'd see it occasionally. My sample size is fairly decent.