

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What in the actual fuck? I just got my 4th gvg legendary out of a pack....my 3rd vol'jin in a row....... the odds of that happening have to be so fucking low it should technically be impossible.
Only 15 legendaries in GvG or so, right? That would be just under 1% I think, no?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Im a new player, playing priest as I like the playstyle a lot. I dropped some money for naxx, and for some classic packs and got 2 x Cabal, 2 x Aucheni and bloodmage thalnos. Should my next packs be GvG or should I keep amassing the older cards until I have filled them out a bit more?
Honestly the Cabal's are like one of the biggest cock blocks so pretty awesome you got 2 right out of the gate (I got lucky with Druid cards out of the gate, 2x Lore's). There's a pretty fair mix of GvG v Classic cards for the "common" core of the decks out now. I think the core is still mostly classic cards with some GvG tech or flavor cards (Vol'jin, Recombobulators, Shrinkmeisters, Light of the Naruu, Velen's Chosen, Lightbomb).


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Has StrifeCro won the most tourneys?

EDIT: Savjz seems to have a lot of tourney wins too.


Trakanon Raider
Ugh. So I haven't been able to play on my PC in like 2 weeks. First I got the issue I posted before where Battle.net wouldn't go past the main screen, so I uninstalled and upon trying to reinstall, it was stuck at "we're having trouble transferring data." Finally I found the files I needed to delete to get past that error to reinstall, and I was able to successfuly install battle.net, but now I can't reinstall Hearthstone, because it is stuck at "Installing..." without making any progress above 0%. The only thing I could find was to turn off "automatically detect lan settings" and that still hasn't fixed the problem. Any ideas? I'm on Windows 7. I am not getting any errors... it just won't make progress with install.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Blizzard needs to just stop nerfing cards and let the meta play out. Shit is like 90% mech mages right now. I get that people play fast decks to start and end the season, but at least before there would have been zoos and hunters mixed in. UT was simply not that big of a problem, next everyone will cry about mechwarper I guess.


Trakanon Raider
Blizzard needs to just stop nerfing cards and let the meta play out. Shit is like 90% mech mages right now. I get that people play fast decks to start and end the season, but at least before there would have been zoos and hunters mixed in. UT was simply not that big of a problem, next everyone will cry about mechwarper I guess.
Mechwarper is firmly in the sights of the forum warriors. The funny thing is that it's the exact same people who screamed for Undertake nerfs. Oh and they also want Dr. Boom nerfed.

I agreed 100% with the Undertaker nerf. A 1 drop should not be as impactful as he was. He warped the meta way too much.

I don't agree with nerfing Mechwarper or Dr. Boom though. If someone dumps their entire hand with Mechwarper, they're just asking to be Hellfired, Brawled, Flamestriked or Blizzarded, Auchenai + Circle, etc, etc etc. After that, they lose because they overextended and now have nothing left in the tank.


Trakanon Raider
Holy crap. If you're not running Black Knight right now, you are doing it wrong. It's such a target rich environment right now and he has, single handed, won me games that I would have lost otherwise. I had Warlock Dominance today so I ran Xixo's Zoo. After losing to a Druid, I yanked the Sea Giant and replaced him for Black Knight. Sea Giant blows because of all of the Big Game Hunters out there so it's too much value for your opponent. After that switch, I won my next 3 in a row with 2 of those wins coming off of The black Knight blowing up a Sludge Belcher that had been duplicated and then a Piloted Sky Golem with a Rusty Horn on it.


Trakanon Raider
My shaman deck is moving along at a strange pace -- got down to rank 15, then lost a bunch of games to put me back at 17/16, le sigh. Even had a game that featured, Ysera, then Malygos, and finally Deathwing -- to which I won.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't agree with nerfing Mechwarper or Dr. Boom though. If someone dumps their entire hand with Mechwarper, they're just asking to be Hellfired, Brawled, Flamestriked or Blizzarded, Auchenai + Circle, etc, etc etc. After that, they lose because they overextended and now have nothing left in the tank.
Mana cost 4 - Hellfire, Auchenai + Circle
Mana cost 5 - Brawl
Mana cost 6 - Blizzard
Mana cost 7 - Flamestrike

Mech Warper is a lot like Undertaker in that if he is dropped out with coin and not answered he rolls the game into a pretty unrecoverable state. God forbid he has the 2nd one because now you are seeing 2 mana Mechanical Yeti's.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Mech Hunter has been working pretty well for me this morning. I agree though that if you are going to nerf mechwarper, 0 cost minions would be the first thing you look at.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not a big fan of nerfs unless they're absolutely necessary for the game. Undertaker was, flat out, necessary in my opinion. I'm just not convinced on Mechwarper yet. That's not to say my mind won't change in the coming weeks but I believe it's too early for me to say it's OP just yet. In my opinion, one of the reasons Mechwarper is so strong right now is because the meta is still in flux due to the Undertaker nerf. People are simply flocking to what they perceive is the next OP deck now that Huntardtaker isn't as good. But, in my opinion, the meta needs time to shake out and see if it can auto-correct before Daddy Blizzard steps in to make changes.

In other news, I'm convinced that the Undertaker nerf was the right one. It's still playable but it's much more in line with what a 1 drop should be. I've had post-nerf Undertakers get up to 5 attack and get a couple of good hits in before dying. That's a lot of value for a 1 drop but my opponent doesn't, automatically, lose because they weren't able to counter it the turn it came out. Instead it comes out, gets in a couple of hits and then trades favorably. That's extremely good value for a 1 drop.


Trakanon Raider
I said ages ago, like at the beginning of GvG, that Mechwarper was in the top 3 of potential/needed GvG nerfs and nobody agreed with me. Now people are starting to say it, which I'm glad, because it's a stupid card and is inconsistent with previous design. The proper nerf will only affect like 3-4 cards for any one class, Basically any 1 cost Mech or 2 cost mech if you have 2 Mechwarpers out. It just needs to be a minimum of 1, simple as that. It'll still be good, just not insanely strong. Mechwarper is such a huge threat for 2 mana.

8 wins in and I have an opponent playing like this. How does a Priest get to 8 wins with so many gimmicks? I couldn't find a single Polymorph. Shit was crazy, he was playing like someone that just started playing yesterday and discovered Priest buffs and thought they were the best thing ever. He eventually played 5 Divine Spirits. FFS.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Morrow has that ccg-persecution complex. You see it a lot. "I was the ONLY ONE who saw it coming. I told you that card was good/bad!"


I doubt it, his win rate is pretty high but his participation is pretty low. Kolento or Savjz would be my guesses. High win rate and high participation.
Strifecro seems to have one of the highest participation/ratio in professional hearthstone. Kolento is right behind Strifecro but Savjz is much lower. Taken from Reddit.

[-]throwaway070690 109 points 16 hours ago*
According to Gosu and adding his 2 wins today, his record is 73-32. 70% win percentage against top competition, and with a pretty big sample size too.
e: For those curious, among western players, Kolento has 70-37 record; Firebat has 56-27; Thijs has 129-60 (how has he played so many games!). Reynad is 36-43, Forsen is 27-34, and Trump is 29-36.
e2: Anyone remember when Fight Night first aired literally a year ago and this random person you've never heard of called StrifeCro came in and destroyed the competition? I have a lot of nostalgia for those early hearthstone days, like when DogeHouse would get into Nat Pagle-offs and do a ridiculous fishing motion when he drew a card (whatever happened to team matches?), and when KrippTosis would often cast.

Hearthstone Rankings Database | GosuGamers


<Bronze Donator>
looool. Was in a Mech Mage mirror and my opponent had a turn 8 Antonidas + freeze. Antonidas was unanswered for the rest of the game until I won 4 turns later after he cast 6 fireballs. Feels bad when you cast 6 fireballs and lose.


Trakanon Raider
Morrow has that ccg-persecution complex. You see it a lot. "I was the ONLY ONE who saw it coming. I told you that card was good/bad!"
That's not what I was saying. It's possible to have a discussion where someone talks about the evolution of how people perceive the strength of cards you know. People do it/mention it with streamers all the time, but when it happens to be the "I" when it's brought up, it's suddenly some sort of pseudo-psychological bs? Relax dude.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I said ages ago, like at the beginning of GvG, that Mechwarper was in the top 3 of potential/needed GvG nerfs and nobody agreed with me.
I think he's referring to this. Where you somehow think you're the only one that said mechwarper was OP.