
The Master

Bronze Squire
It only says 3 mechs... doesn't say anything about it having to be three OTHER mechs.
Also not really clear from the card text, it'll clear every mech from your board if you have more than 3. Found that out completely randomly when I recombed into the head.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think its obvious that it destroys the other mechs, I didn't know you needed two plus the head, not three plus the head. I actually had that in arena recently, wish I'd known I could have actually triggered it once or twice probably.


Oh my... 90$ wasted. I guess i dont see the option for paying with coins because Im in Canada?? I guess thats Whats i get for not reading before buying. Fml


Oh my... 90$ wasted. I guess i dont see the option for paying with coins because Im in Canada?? I guess thats Whats i get for not reading before buying. Fml
I think they found a way for canadians. I remember reading that you just need to change your settings to US or something.
Edit: All you need to do is change your country settings to USA in the Your Account > Manage Your Content and Devices > Settings.
Also play at least 1 game on Duos or your tablet to get a free classic pack.

Also found this post that explains the 90 dollar deal is not the most efficient way to purchase.

[-]xtreemmasheen3k2 16 points 20 hours ago*
Someone correct me if my Math is wrong, but wouldn't buying a 5000 and 500 Amazon Coin Bundle be more efficient with this deal than buying two 5000-Coin bundles?
This is my math. For the United States, they're advertising $90 for 106 packs.
How they got that number:
5000 Coin packs cost $45. Two of those cost $90.
If you buy a 40 Pack for 5000 coins, you get 1500 coins back.
Buy two 40-packs, and you're left with 3000 coins.
With those 2000 of those coins, you can buy a 15 pack. Since the 15 pack also costs $20 or more, the 30% is applied and gives you 600 coins back.
3000 Coins - 2000 Coins + 600 Coins = 1600 Coins Left. That's enough to buy a 7-pack and two 2-packs. So 40+40+15+7+2+2=106 packs they're advertising.
$90/106 packs = $0.849 per pack (round up to 85 cents)
Now, say instead, you bought Amazon coins in bundles of 5000 ($45) and 500 ($4.80), for a total of $49.80 for 5500 coins. Then you buy a 40 pack for 5000 Amazon Coins and get 1500 coins back.
5500 - 5000 + 1500 = 2000 Coins. That's enough for a 15 pack. Again, because it costs $20 or more, buying a 15 pack gives you 600 Amazon Coins back, which is enough for two 2-packs. 40+15+2+2=59 packs.
$49.80/59 Packs = $0.844 per pack.
So pretty much if you want the most efficient deal, you'll want to try and hit the $20 (or $50) packs as many times as possible, and avoid the $10 ones. So instead of getting $90 worth of Amazon coins they're advertising you get, if you spend the extra $9.50 for 1000 more coins, you'll have 11,000 Amazon Coins for $99.50.
Spend 10000 on two 40-packs. That'll give you 3000 back, leaving you with 4000 coins (11,000 - 10,000 + 3,000). That's enough for two-15 packs, which will give you 600 Amazon Coins each, leaving you with 1,200. That's enough for four 2-packs (since buying a 7-pack would leave us with an excess 200 coins, and there's no "buy 100 Coins" option on Amazon I can see to make up for it. And four 2-packs is 8 packs). So that'll be 40+40+15+15+2+2+2+2 = 118 packs.
$99.50/118 packs = $0.843 per pack. Slightly more efficient per pack than spending the $90 they're advertising.
In short, do your math beforehand and try to round up to a 15-pack (2000 coins) or 40-pack (5000 coins) if you're short by a little, since those are the only ones that'll give you 30% Coins back. Don't just go for the $90 deal they're advertising, there are slightly more efficient deals. Like I said, counter-intuitively, the $49.80/59 Packs deal is slightly more efficient per pack than the $90/106 Packs deal, even though you're buying fewer packs.


Molten Core Raider
Are arena cards pulled from the ones you have collected, or are they taken from all cards available?


A Man Chooses....
10-3 on my 7-0, bleh. Then I get the worst mage arena ever. No fireballs, no firestorm, no water eles. Meh.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone got a decent Warrior deck I can use to slam through my daily? Can be Warrior or Rogue tbh.


Been playing this somewhat casually (maybe 3 hrs/wk) and been getting wrecked in Arena. Then it happened - BEHOLD!
+ Bomb Lobber + Frostwolf Warlord + Quartermaster + Frost Elemental x 2 + The Black Knight.

Maybe it sucks, but I'm 6-0 and nobody has even come close to beating me. Feels good. Best I've ever done before is like 5 and 3.

The Master

Bronze Squire
You have a lot of tempo/tempo reversal cards there and some solid 1 and 2 drops. Not surprised the deck is doing well, probably hit the Mage wall at 9 wins, but 9-11 wins probably.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else feel like Mage is still way over powered? It just has so many answers to everything it's stupid. Flamestrike is the most infuriating thing in the world.


Mage wall seems to hit a lot earlier for me recently. Usually around 5-7 wins. And then there's the Paladins. Had a game yesterday where one Ancient Mage/Consecrated me for a board clear and then followed it up with 3 more Consecrates over the next two turns. 4 mana Flamestrikes hurt.


Still a Music Elitist
I can't get any of these Android emulators to run Hearthstone. Getting denied due to system requirements. None of the Google solutions seemed to work. Bummer.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Anyone else feel like Mage is still way over powered? It just has so many answers to everything it's stupid. Flamestrike is the most infuriating thing in the world.
In arena or constructed? In constructed, not really. In arena it is certainly the top class, but nearly every time I get past 5 wins on Priest I go to 12 because I can beat Mages. Arena has a pretty clear cut meta right now. Mages beat Paladins, Paladins beat Priests, Priests beat Mages. Everything else is second or third tier and loses to one or more of those three. I'm speaking of averages here, obviously deck composition/player skill factors in.


Lol .. just had 2xUnstable Portal pull Illidan and Onyxia vs a Rogue. I thought the win was on.
2xSap and a Faceless Manipulator later and well ... sad face.


Trakanon Raider
Miracle Rogue has come back in a big way it seems. Only one Gadget and the new win condition revolves around Deadly Poisons, Sharpsword Oil and Blade Flurry.

I've seen it ranked quite a few times and it's all over the streams.