

Mr. Poopybutthole
Strange card. Have to hope some new kind of deck comes from it. WW, taskmaster, new 3/3 thingy synergy with patrons and berzerkers? Or just a straight drop into patron now? Doesn't seem to fit CW much at all.
Uh, one card that almost always turns into something I want and potentially turns into a couple somethings I want? Yeah I'll definitely be trying it in control warrior. Potentially lets me force mass removal without wasting a bunch of resources.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe not so much CW (though I see promise there too) but it would work in a fatigue or Elise list for sure. Maybe we see some decks with sea reaver using this.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The problem with running it in my fatigue list is that I almost never have more than one minion on the board and have very few minions in the deck period, so it would be very hard to get any kind of value out of it. And 4 of the minons I run are rotating out, so god knows what I'll be running in standard.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Also this just happened.



Blackwing Lair Raider
So if you're running into a lot of zoo/paladin/tempo mage (who isn't amirite?). I've been working on mage lately to get golden, I was playing a tempo deck, but more mid-range before switching to this more aggro variant and won 7-8 in a row now.
2xarcane missles
2xleper gnome
2xmana wyrm
2xflame cannon
2xfrost bolt
2xunstable portal
1xbloodmage thalnos
2xloot hoarder
2xmad scientist
2xsorc's app
2xarcane intellect
1xmirror entity
2xpiloted shredder
1xazure drake


<Bronze Donator>
Sometimes I get to the end of a play session and wonder why I still play this game. The only rational answer is the social aspect. This is the only game my brother and couple other friends play, so it's really nice to stay in touch with them.

But holy shit is the salt real sometimes. Had a control warrior on the ropes and he kept shitting out just enough armor to live to the next turn. Comes down to his enraged Grom vs a Keeper, pristine Tirion, 4 dudes and an Avenge(that he knew wasn't Noble Sac). He's at 5 life, I'm at 2. He plays brawl and Grom wins...

So I take that as my sign to stop playing constructed, switch to arena. Take a rogue deck that was at 6-1 and lose the next two games...great. Fine, another arena run, maybe that was actually just a 6 win deck and I got some lucky streaks. Hunter/Warrior/Priest...ugh. Then I get the classic too many weapons draft. 3 Arathis, 1 FWA, and 1 Arcanite. Lose to a mage that drafted two Ice Ragers...retired that shit immediately.

This fucking game sometimes.

mures, I haven't actually seen a lot of those decks. I mean, maybe one zoo opponent, but the idiot was running Enhanco Mechano, so whatever. Mostly aggro hunter/shaman.


<Bronze Donator>
Tempostorm thinks CW is now a tier 1 deck:


I'm not anything approaching a control warrior expert, but I'm suspicious of any change in a meta this old and stale. Anyone who plays the deck care to comment? I'm thinking of giving it a try, but I'm hesitant to craft the missing piece right now. Yes, it's relatively safe piece, Harrison Jones, but just seems silly to craft legendaries right now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It matches up really well against those two decks as well since they have no healing, leper gnome/mana wyrm/loot hoarder/mad scientist clear their early minions if need be and sorc's app/flamewaker/free secrets allow you to get ahead while keeping their board clear.

Surprised you don't see much zoo/paladin, but maybe thats testament to how broken they are that anyone can play them to higher ranks because, while I don't track my games, I'd say conservatively 70% of my matches are zoo or some non-control paladin.

Control warrior is still really strong, its what I used to get to rank 5 early last month.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's definitely a metric fuckton of zoo out there and still a bunch of paladin of course. I don't get how they keep calling midrange druid the best deck with all the zoo, tempo mage, secret pally and warriors out there laddering. Its really a 50/50 deck at best with most of those matchups, I consider zoo and tempo mage to be worse than that. Warrior probably best but its still not close to a sure win.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Tempostorm thinks CW is now a tier 1 deck:


I'm not anything approaching a control warrior expert, but I'm suspicious of any change in a meta this old and stale. Anyone who plays the deck care to comment? I'm thinking of giving it a try, but I'm hesitant to craft the missing piece right now. Yes, it's relatively safe piece, Harrison Jones, but just seems silly to craft legendaries right now.
CW is always strong, it just mutates depending on the meta. Like right now you want the double bash and probably double brawl. Nobody runs Alex or rag right now, even gromm is rare. I usually grind out CW at rank 10 and less.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Druid, Zoo, and Pally are all bad matchups for control warrior. By no stretch of the imagination is a deck with bad matchups against the three most commonly played decks a tier 1 deck.


Regarding CW. If I can have a Fiery War Axe in my opening hand, my win % moves up from 50% to 60-65.

The deck relies a lot on drawing weapon early. You need some kind of early removal (Fiery war axe / bash / slam etc ) otherwise you fall behind and it's really hard to come back.


<Bronze Donator>
I've never played a game that is easier to play while drinking.
I'll give you that, it's definitely an accessible game. I was telling myself last night that I should really play Divinity:OS, just bought it recently for $20. Got in, stared at all the stats and choices in character creation for a while, stuff that would normally excite me, and just went back to Hearthstone/youtube/porn.