

Blackwing Lair Raider
Just saw this over on hearthpwn, data from opening 11k packs:

Common Rare Epic Legendary
Normal 70% 21.4% 4.28% 1.08%
Golden 1.47% 1.37% 0.308% 0.111%

No wonder I get so few gold cards, odds of getting a golden common are only slightly higher than getting a legendary.


Interesting. Quick glance at that thread seems to indicate there is an issue with how the decks are seeded. An identical deck, picked in an identical manner is shuffled in exactly the same way??

The Master

Bronze Squire
Just saw this over on hearthpwn, data from opening 11k packs:

Common Rare Epic Legendary
Normal 70% 21.4% 4.28% 1.08%
Golden 1.47% 1.37% 0.308% 0.111%

No wonder I get so few gold cards, odds of getting a golden common are only slightly higher than getting a legendary.
Is that project still going? There was someone a while back who went through and tabulated all the odds by watching all the streamers open packs (like after each arena, when they bought 40 packs, etc). Roughly same odds. Sample size is much larger now though.


Jesus, I didn't realize Gaea's Cradle is worth about $150. I might dive through my old cards and hit ebay.
I'm amazed it is only that. Then again, the formats that it is legal in don't exactly favor the effect.

Not that card values reflect the real use by any means. Fuck, I think I'd be amused to have a Black Lotus framed on my wall for far less than what "real art" costs.

On that note, if anyone knows someone unloading a really-really-not-mint one, I'd buy. Hell, I'd buy a stack and frame and resell them if the cost was reasonable.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Decided to do some quick games before bed. For some reason I was just really "on" tonight and playing perfectly, went all the way to rank 4 with zero losses.


Trakanon Raider
That deck is a little high curve which is okay, but your low curve cards aren't very good.
I went 9-3. Fucked one game up and lost 1 to very bad luck and 3 eagle horn 3 kill command and 1 to dc. Shoulda done better. Sure there was no Truesilver or Argent, but those cards merely represent a way to get a 2 for 1, which my deck had in spades. There were x2 Abusive Sergeant and x1 Blessing of Vengeance missing. The card draw was absolutely phenomenal, despite what it looks like on the surface. And the 2/5 Charge is very underrated in Arena, particularly when combed with Abusive or even Raid Leader ffs, which isn't that bad in Paladin. My Sword of Justice compensated for my shitty low curve. It's really hard to go against x2 Consecrate x2 Argent Commander x2 Lay on Hands x1 Avenging Wrath. The deck had a lot more combat tricks than it looks like, it actually surprised me. Dropping a Justice + Argent is so insanely good, particularly with Abusive and Raid Leader. I never draft Raid Leader, but it worked out well here.


Finally got to twelve wins in arena. Usually I get annihilated by 3 incredibly skillful Mages at 11. Unfortunately I did not get a SS of the deck but it was a Warrior. On the euro side of my account though.



Trakanon Raider
Finally got to twelve wins in arena. Usually I get annihilated by 3 incredibly skillful Mages at 11. Unfortunately I did not get a SS of the deck but it was a Warrior. On the euro side of my account though.

Congrats. Very impressive with your experience level (if this is your only account). It's been about 40 Arena runs since I've had a 12 win and I have a lot of experience. I used to get them at least once a day (like 1 out of 4.5 Arenas I would go 12 wins, the rest would be 7+ every time). Although I only started drafting again about 10 days ago and only started playing again after like 5 months of not playing when Naxx was released. Now I average 6-8. Try to analyse what you did right to get that 12 win and it'll help you a lot.

Anyone have any new fun casual deck ideas with the new cards? Am feeling burnt out, but my addiction is getting the better of me so I at least want to do something new, fun and interesting. I've already done Druid Ooze and messed around with a Facerattle Rogue using Ooze and Cold Blood, as well as Shaman shenanigans with Rivendare/Thaddius/Reincarnate. Been messing around with the troll Priest deck with all 1 mana or less cards (except I added an Illidan). It's actually really fun and funny if you can get a draw engine relatively early. Although it doesn't do very well at ranks 5-10 haha, lost a lot of ranks fucking around, but don't care anymore.


Trakanon Raider
It's funny how the end of a season mirrors the beginning of the season. There are nothing but rejects running hardcore aggro, "TO THE FACE", decks thinking that they can suddenly get to Legendary in the last couple of days...


MorrowGirl, I had some fun with a midrange deathrattle paladin. A few weeks ago, I climbed up to rank 5 with it with very few losses, if any.

Undertakers with positive deathrattle minions up to 6 mana, ending with carne and sylvanas. Sword of justice works really well with haunted creepers, golems and eggs, and with rivendare you can potentially use 5 sword charges in a single turn. I also included one kings and two truesilers and peacekeepers, as well as tyrion and a lay on hands.

There is some redemption synergy if you want to go that route, but I do not think that I did. I did not run any equalities or consecrates, as the idea was to keep board control with minions.


Trakanon Raider
MorrowGirl, I had some fun with a midrange deathrattle paladin. A few weeks ago, I climbed up to rank 5 with it with very few losses, if any.

Undertakers with positive deathrattle minions up to 6 mana, ending with carne and sylvanas. Sword of justice works really well with haunted creepers, golems and eggs, and with rivendare you can potentially use 5 sword charges in a single turn. I also included one kings and two truesilers and peacekeepers, as well as tyrion and a lay on hands.

There is some redemption synergy if you want to go that route, but I do not think that I did. I did not run any equalities or consecrates, as the idea was to keep board control with minions.
How important was Tirion? I'm missing him, one of the few legendaries I don't have. You ran x2 Sword yeah? The only epic I don't have, and I'm missing two of them. Really annoying because I've gotten 5-6 of some epics and have all the others. Could craft them, but low on dust. Seems fun though so might be worth it.

Think I'm going to try a Divine Shield/Ooze/Avenge/Blood Knight deck. Possibly a Paladin Giants with Blessing of Wisdom & Ooze @@


Poet Warrior
Mures: Good call on on your advice to put Mark of the Wild in over Power of the Wild. I was afraid to give up the option for an early 3/2 minion but it hasn't seemed to matter yet. It works well as a follow up to Zombie Chow, it allows me to combo with Black Knight to kill anything I want, and of course, another creature with Taunt to protect and benefit from Kel'Thuzad is always welcome. Good call on that and thanks.

Speaking of which, when I first got it, I put KT in place of Ancient Protector. I must say, I don't see myself going back any time soon.
KT is such a bitch, I love it!

I went ahead and made a second Ancient of Lore and put it in place of Cenarius as well. I'd say it's still too early to tell on that one but I'll keep trying.


Molten Core Raider
Ladder is like 90% hunters at rank 4-5...Its crazy. I played 6 games and am exactly where I started.


Poet Warrior
Druids don't gobble those Hunters? I find if I can save my Starfalls and/or Druids of the Grove for the Lions I can do okay against a Hunter. Then again, I'm only rank 12 so I guess it's a different breed of Hunter's at rank 5 but still...


Molten Core Raider
If it's a smart hunter they will mull for Hunter's Marks and Freezing Traps, and push through just enough damage before you can stabilize with taunts or Swipes - then you are in hero power/Kill Command range.


How important was Tirion? I'm missing him, one of the few legendaries I don't have. You ran x2 Sword yeah? The only epic I don't have, and I'm missing two of them. Really annoying because I've gotten 5-6 of some epics and have all the others. Could craft them, but low on dust. Seems fun though so might be worth it.

Think I'm going to try a Divine Shield/Ooze/Avenge/Blood Knight deck. Possibly a Paladin Giants with Blessing of Wisdom & Ooze @@
Tyrion is not essential but you would want at least one sword. If you run a single sword then I suggest using dark iron dwarves as 4 drops (no good deathrattles at 4 anyway) or not using the eggs, because it's hard to activate them and you do not want 2 kings. Something like:

2 undertaker, 2 spider, 2 eggs, 2 loot hoarder, 2 sunfury, 2 aldor, 2 golem, 1 sword, 1 draw thingy, 2 DID, 2 truesilver, 1 kings, rivendare, loatheb, thaddius or 2 belcher, sylvanas, cairne, lay on hands. Fill in the rest with what seems appropriate, possibly more 1 drops.

The important thing with a deck like this is the curve. You don't need too mcuh draw as you get minions from deathrattles. You don't need much healing as you have limited comeback potential anyway. The taunt givers are essential though, not only to stop a face rush but they activate your eggs and giving sylvanas taunt can be a game winner.