Heretic (2024)


Regimen Morum
0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: Heretic (2024)

Tagline: Question everything.

Genre: Horror, Thriller

Director: Scott Beck, Bryan Woods

Cast: Chloe East, Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, Elle McKinnon, Stephanie Lavigne, Elle Young, River Codack, Carolyn Adair

Release: 2024-11-15

Plot: Two missionaries become ensnared in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse after they knock on the wrong door.


Avatar of War Slayer
eh. looks a bit generic.

Also, going to have to do some real work to sell me on how this super trap house was built. a problem with "trap house" movies. especially after games. they get bigger and bigger, and more complex. original texas chainsaw was just a house with a basement.. silence of the lambs.. house with basement with dug well.

and even with that, so many trap house movies, going to need something interesting to sell it. The obvious I would think here is, this guy is part of their church. so, hes not some rando, that was just waiting for people to show up at his trap house. The church is in on it, and actively sent the young missionaries to test their faith. I think that would be a viable twist. explain the how and why. bonus points if the indoctrination works, and the girls do come out of it with a revelation and are even more zealous in the good work after.
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<Silver Donator>
eh. looks a bit generic.

Also, going to have to do some real work to sell me on how this super trap house was built. a problem with "trap house" movies. especially after games. they get bigger and bigger, and more complex. original texas chainsaw was just a house with a basement.. silence of the lambs.. house with basement with dug well.

and even with that, so many trap house movies, going to need something interesting to sell it. The obvious I would think here is, this guy is part of their church. so, hes not some rando, that was just waiting for people to show up at his trap house. The church is in on it, and actively sent the young missionaries to test their faith. I think that would be a viable twist. explain the how and why. bonus points if the indoctrination works, and the girls do come out of it with a revelation and are even more zealous in the good work after.
Yeah that could easily be a weak point plot wise, but I do like your idea that the church is in on it. I don't know at least it looks somewhat different, what's better than another superhero movie. I'm sure when it gets the Shudder or Prime I'll give it a shot. I have faith in A24.
Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database