Heroes of the Storm


Trump's Staff
RL friends talked me into buying the Founder's Pack so at least I'll have some people to play with. Of the 3 of us, 2 are total MOBA noobs and 1 is pretty decent. Who's the easiest of the 3 Founder pack heroes (Diablo, Raynor, Tyrande) to start with? Did the Tutorial with Raynor and it seemed pretty straightforward but he seemed to have mostly passive abilities?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Raynor is by far the most noob friendly of those 3, you can choose to get more abilities later through talents. Tyrande has a hard to land skill shot that makes or breaks the hero and requires good positioning in team fights and diablo, well you probably don't want to/shouldn't play the tank role if you are completely new to mobas. For your first heroes you buy I'd recommend valla, ranged dps, and/or lili, support, both are noob friendly, only 2k gold, and are good heroes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I'm lvl 25 and decided to play Valla for the first time... Played her all day and I'm 20-1 with her, I think I may have found my calling.

Just finished a game 7:42 mins lmao the rape is real.


Trump's Staff
I've got this on an SSD and maps still take forever to load. That normal cause beta or am I broken?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think it mostly depends on if someone else in the game is taking forever to load the map or not. You're only as fast as the slowest loader.

That said sometimes mine hangs infinitely at 25% loaded and I have to alt+f4 and rejoin.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think I may have to step away from this game until an actual ranking system is introduced and people are paired via similar MMR instead of sum MMR == sum MMR. The stupidity and toxicity are really, really hindering how much I can enjoy the game at the moment. If I get one more team where we have 2 deaths and the living people decide it is the best fucking idea to walk into their 5man capping a tribute then flaming me for refusing to go I'm going to throw my computer.


Trakanon Raider
I think it mostly depends on if someone else in the game is taking forever to load the map or not. You're only as fast as the slowest loader.

That said sometimes mine hangs infinitely at 25% loaded and I have to alt+f4 and rejoin.
Quite often on a patch, you need to re-add the game to the firewall. If ANYONE in your game hasn't added it to the firewall it'll hang at 25% permanently until they accept the change by alt-tabbing and hitting the go button.


<Silver Donator>
I think I may have to step away from this game until an actual ranking system is introduced and people are paired via similar MMR instead of sum MMR == sum MMR. The stupidity and toxicity are really, really hindering how much I can enjoy the game at the moment. If I get one more team where we have 2 deaths and the living people decide it is the best fucking idea to walk into their 5man capping a tribute then flaming me for refusing to go I'm going to throw my computer.
That's not bad. 2 people started going at each other in the game i was in. They both decided that the best course of action to 'punish' the other for being a fucktard was to feed the other team kills from there on. So they both just kept on running into the other team and feeding them kills for the entire match, fucking up the other 3 of us in there.


Level 35 and I've only played 3 Heroes League matches ( 1-2 record :/ ). For whatever reason, it stresses me out, when I know it's pretty much the same game just with a drafting phase. I haven't run into many ragers in QM recently though, so that helps.


Unelected Mod
The rageouts when losing don't bother me so much anymore. The rageouts when we are WINNING are shocking to me. Had a two-healer, tank, illidan and another assassin. We were up in levels 8 to 11 with a huge lead on structures when the Illidan noticed he was top on damage. Started going off on the other assassin and the tank, saying that "I should never be top damage, this is absurd". After a bit, the other assassin started going back and forth with him. We ended up losing because they were too busy fighting to actually attend any objectives after that.

Still, there isn't really a penalty for losing, so I'm trying to get into the habit of just shrugging it off and laughing about it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Even if there isn't a penalty it isn't fun. I'm not going pro in this game so the only thing that matters is if I'm having fun. I can have a wonderful time and still lose if we tried our best and people kept a cool head but things didn't go our way. Thats fine. But games like that are few and far between in solo queue. It is why I've gone back to Starcraft. At least then I'm the only fuckup on the team and I know why I lost was because I'm a terrible.


Trakanon Raider
Not new but seems more common with a a small player base and a broken MMR system. Hopefully they will tighten it up soon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really happy i finally dared to dive in the moba scene. I think jumping in with blizzards take on it was the safest way for me to do it.
Am having a blast and got my buds hooked on it also.

Am from the sc2 scene and i hard a hard time understanding what the appeal was in esport with moba. So i see the game keeps the player in the dark regarding the map / other players action so its tense, just like sc2.
Where it breaks apart with SC2 tho is : the pvp action starts right up. Theres is this ramp up period in sc2 for normal games where the first few minutes are players in their base building their stuff up except the occasional harrassing. In HOTS tho, 20 seconds after the game starts, theres already chaos.

I dont think there is strategical depth on the same lvl of a top of the line sc2 game. But the teamplay / instant action more than makes up for it for the time being. Will see how it grows on me over time. Rhegar ftw.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ill see. Am happy with the matches hots gives atm. My main turnoff with these games what the need to collect items, or the rng associated with it.


Two things I didn't realize while playing ETC:

1. Rather than spamming abilities, wait for both ticks of Echo Pedal to pulse before you hit your next ability.
2. Guitar Hero resets your auto attack, so if you wait until just after ETC swings to trigger Guitar Hero / Guitar Solo (E), you'll get 300% auto attack damage.



Molten Core Raider
I think I may have to step away from this game until an actual ranking system is introduced and people are paired via similar MMR instead of sum MMR == sum MMR. The stupidity and toxicity are really, really hindering how much I can enjoy the game at the moment. If I get one more team where we have 2 deaths and the living people decide it is the best fucking idea to walk into their 5man capping a tribute then flaming me for refusing to go I'm going to throw my computer.
Not sure how familiar you are with ranked LoL, but that type of dumb shit play happens across all spectrums of ranked. While there is a noticeable rise in awareness/decision making from bronze to plat, its very very marginal. People are still bigdicking and thinking ego first.