Heroes of the Storm


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dont regret my 40$ on it. I got it with only Valla and Tyrande has free hero i think, am already at 12 or so unlocked in 2 weeks. You really swim in gold with the daily quests.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been doing the same, bought the cheap bundle and I believe Thrall when he launched (likely I'll pick up Sylv when she drops too, especially if they bundle it). I have the same mindset as Draegan on that, hyped to pick up Tyrande this week.


They need a quest reroll like hearthstone. I want to fucking punch someone because I keep getting the play 3 games as a specialist bullshit. Any quest but that one please.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also my least favorite, I did end up buying Nazeebo at least so can crank out 3 quick in coop while I try and learn to be not terrible on him. If I can make that happen Hammer next.


Molten Core Raider
I've been buying every hero that goes on sale. Figured for the price of a drink it's worth it.
What's wrong with you, spending money on games like some pleb. If only we could go back to the old days where all games were free and monetization wasn't a thing.


Farming for them is a complete waste of time unless you bought a stimpack.

Also I'm guessing there's no patch today since I don't see any notes posted anywhere?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Someone did the math and even with a Stimpack unless you play for hours upon hours a day it is more cost beneficial to just buy the heroes with real money instead of gold farming via stimpack


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I think I own around 1/2 the hero's at this point, I just log in every 2-3 days and complete the dailies. Since I will probably never buy master skins of faggot ponies that by the time the game is done with beta I will probably have most if not all heros. That is unless they start releasing a shit ton of new heros every week.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I pretty much do the same at this point. It is a nice system if you already own a ton of heroes but it seems like it makes the barrier of entry really high. I think I'm only missing maybe 4 heroes: Murky, Anub, TLV, Illidan. I'll probably buy Illidan here soon since I have the gold. Doubt I'll buy Murky or TLV ever unless I'm swimming in gold.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Illidan is a good buy, he's really fun to play (even when you play poorly!) and tbh if you have experience playing the learning curve is probably lower than some other niche Heroes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Melee assassins just aren't my bag. Not to mention when I'm playing support my team mate Illidan will dive into what I feel is a retarded situation but with my heals/cc and his raw damage output we come out ahead. I'd probably be way, way too conservative with him to be really effective.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Farming for them is perfectly fine has long you enjoy doing games themselves... which i do plenty.
Am also lucky enough to always play with 3-4 buddies so a pug is really rare. The xp bonus makes a difference. And the mumble banter while we play only adds to the experience. Has much as i love sc2, this game has way way more appeal to the ''normal'' crowd, which makes it easier to play with buds for me. In the end, even if hots only opens the moba genre to me and i end up moving to dota2, so be it. For the time being, am getting more than my moneys worth.

Next buy on the list, Azmodan or Illidan. Am also tempted to save 10k to buy my master Rhegar skin.


Trakanon Raider
Illidan is amazing. One of the few heroes in the game that I used to think was awful because the community said he was, then I played him until 5 and I can't stop playing him. He is definitely my go to assassin when playing with friends.

You just gotta make sure you build him somewhat defensively. If you go all damage you will definitely get rekt.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I take everything in the Heroes community with a massive, huge, boulder sized grain of salt. These "pros" (lol they're just big fishes in a tiny kiddie pool) act like they've got everything figured out and have every interaction with every hero both with and against figured out. In reality they don't. They've practiced a ton with a "standard" composition that they're so comfortable with it they feel deviating from it is worse because they may need to play differently. Jaina was said to be trash when she first came out. Turns out she isn't. Then they said you simply have to take Sprint at 13 or she's unplayable. Turns out that isn't true, either. Illidan was considered trash tier for the longest time but even without too many major changes he is now in first-ban territory. In general I take advice from those who know more or are better at games than I am but this is one of the times where the game is so new and unexplored (and the twist on the genre unexplored as well) that it is better to test out your theories first hand.


Trump's Staff
How do dailies work in this? Is it just a random 1-3 per day, or does 1 rollover each day til you have 3?