Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I watched one of those organized 5v5 matches... man that looked boring as shit. There's a lot of communication about objectives and shit, but heroes never seem to die. When one finally died, they had a 55 second resurrection timer at 17 minutes, that seems very unforgiving.
Death is literally the only penalty to dying, though. Especially if your team is behind. If it is ahead you can feed away a decent amount of your XP lead. But since no one is killing anyone for 1k gold if there weren't long rez timers people would just zerg.


Tyrael is one of my favorites atm. So strong. Gap closers, able to 1 v 1 with most assassins as long as you have the health on hit talent. I can't seem to get a good death explosion though... soon.

Gazlowe is also my fav, but requires your team to no suck so you can own the jungle. Can solo golems once you get the robogob ult thing.

Play a few days a week usually .. Proobs#1918


Blackwing Lair Raider
Meta is very support heavy and unlike say dota where burst is insane, CC is insane and supports are squish as fuck due to having no items and low levels AND support spells costing in general a lot of mana so they run out, in hots none of this is really true(burst and CC can be with some comps though). So at least last time I checked "high level" play, it was 2 supports in every team and people wouldn't die unless they were being retarded or all ults were popped at once to guarantee one kill, which was enough to win the fight and sometimes the game, off this one kill.

Didn't look very good, from a spectator perspective. But that's my opinion.

As for rez timers, it's a way to guarantee shorter games, the rez timers are similar to dota in scaling but over a much shorter period of time. You quickly reach the 40-60secs rez timers so when people die, you can push really hard especially since no buyback. That's why in general the games end earlier, because mistakes a lot more costly earlier.
It can be at times hard to burst someone down depending on team comps, like a team with two supports, but with the right team comp I don't think it would be too difficult to counter either. Big heals like lili and malfurion's ults are channeled and can be interrupted. Without those big heals its not too difficult at all to burst someone down, even against teams with two supports, so long as you have the right comp, as in you actually have an assassin and some other decent damage dealers.

CC doesn't seem quite as heavy compared to lol, but I wouldn't say there isn't enough and with specialized team comps I don't know if thats accurate at all. Most tanks have good peel also so they can dictate focus targets and you're not relying on your support to peel. However, this means they also are better at saving teammates so that could be a reason why it might be harder to kill someone.

Ults are on pretty short cooldown and assassin ults do terrible, terrible damage so I don't think its an issue with having to use ults to kill someone nor do I think thats really any different from lol. If you're in a team fight and your ult is up why wouldn't you use it?

I think long death timers are there to keep games short. I'm guessing buyback is some sort of remove death timer thing and I believe all tanks can choose a talent at lvl 20 that reduces your rez timer to 3 or 5s every x(120?) seconds. So even if you get a bad team engagement late game if the tank does his job its not going to cost you the game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Meta is very support heavy and unlike say dota where burst is insane, CC is insane and supports are squish as fuck due to having no items and low levels AND support spells costing in general a lot of mana so they run out, in hots none of this is really true(burst and CC can be with some comps though). So at least last time I checked "high level" play, it was 2 supports in every team and people wouldn't die unless they were being retarded or all ults were popped at once to guarantee one kill, which was enough to win the fight and sometimes the game, off this one kill.

Didn't look very good, from a spectator perspective. But that's my opinion.

As for rez timers, it's a way to guarantee shorter games, the rez timers are similar to dota in scaling but over a much shorter period of time. You quickly reach the 40-60secs rez timers so when people die, you can push really hard especially since no buyback. That's why in general the games end earlier, because mistakes a lot more costly earlier.
Yeah generally the first picks will always be two supports. Right now "top tier" supports seems to be Malf/Uther/Brightwing. Not sure why LiLi isn't considered top tier but I usually don't see her as an instant pick. But that is just the current meta. Perhaps if this whole 2 supports / 1 tank / 2 sustained DPS stays true the roles will reverse to something like 1 support / 1 tank / 2 sustained DPS / 1 burst DPS. But "high level play" still isn't really a thing. Until they add custom games and two teams can consistently practice no one really knows what is good and what is bad. Personally I still feel watching high level games entertaining. It may come down to me playing and enjoying the game instead of going in cold. And it isn't like DOTA hasn't gone through meta phases where watching the game was painful. Like 40m no rush PL vs AM games.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Before I started playing the game I thought it was boring as shit to watch also. And after playing just a few games I thought the game lacked any kind of depth, but my opinion has changed over time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One of the biggest issues with the game which will limit it's ability to grow, in my opinion, is still the game engine. It appears like to connect/re-connect it does basically the exact same thing SC2 does. It looks like the game is saved as a replay on the server. To re-connect you basically just replay this file to get caught up. This can take a while. So instead of like in DOTA2 where you can freely just drop in/out of games this isn't quite as simple. They've stated with this new framework you can have non-lagging observers so you can have something similar where you can search for games to drop in and observe but it still takes a few minutes to connect and get the replay up to speed. I don't know where LoL stands on it's esports interface and all that but currently DOTA2, I feel, is untouchable and it doesn't appear like HOTS is really planning on trying to compete on that front.


2 Minutes Hate
DOTA2 has probably the best client out there bar none. LOL allows you to spectate games after a brief loading period and you get to watch the game pretty quickly though.


From the Bullpen: Designing the Talent System

Really good blog from Dustin Browder breaking down Muradin's talents and the situations when he picks them. I really like how dynamic the system feels in general. However, it can be a little awkward when you pick a talent and later realize you probably should've gotten a different one. I'm not saying we should be able to repick talents though, it's a learning experience for each hero. Picking the wrong talent is just one of those things that you smack yourself on the head for and then improve upon in subsequent games.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man I love Arthas. He has so much self healing that he is probably the best pub ready tank. My general build follows:

1 - +Radius to my E (Tempest)
4 - +150% damage on Frostmourne Hungers
7 - Rune Tap
10 - Ghouls
13 - Trail of Frost
17 - Frostmoure Feeds
20 - Either Ghouls or Rez timer (depends on the team's comp)

Basically once you hit level 7 you can solo Hard merc camps. Just pop your E and use Frostmourne Hungers when it's up. At 10 you can start really becoming the initiator in team fights. Ghouls just give so much HP when you first get them that you become basically unkillable. Especially combined with your Q self heal. Trail of Frost turns your W from a skill shot into a simple line based root. Which really helps because it is somewhat difficult to land. Frostmourne Feeds combined with your level 4 upgrade makes you pretty decent at taking 1v1 fights even when your Ghouls are down. It is a really good pub friendly tank build.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
BTW there is a scheduled 1hour downtime starting at 4 EST. So I expect it to be up around 8 or 9.


Tranny Chaser
Was at a gathering of geeks for the "fourth" (weather caused Boston to move everything up one day) and I was literally the only person in attendance who didnt have an invite to this sucker. Even the people who haven't touched a Blizzard product since Cataclysm mentioned that they had invites for it when someone checked their email and asked "whats Heroes of the Storm?"

I was kinda kidding when I asked before if I had pissed someone off, but perhaps I really did.


Was at a gathering of geeks for the "fourth" (weather caused Boston to move everything up one day) and I was literally the only person in attendance who didnt have an invite to this sucker. Even the people who haven't touched a Blizzard product since Cataclysm mentioned that they had invites for it when someone checked their email and asked "whats Heroes of the Storm?"

I was kinda kidding when I asked before if I had pissed someone off, but perhaps I really did.
Have you fired up the blizzard launcher lately? HoTS was listed in my games well before I actually got the invite e-mail.


They should just let me buy in so that I can stop waiting.
No shit, they would make a fortune letting people buy in right now. Don't they like more money?

The worst thing is that one of my friends knows a guy who works at blizzard, which is the reason I got into the Diablo 3 test since I never get randomly selected for anything, and he says that employees aren't even being given keys to hand out yet. Fucking first world problems.


Golden Squire
Man I love Arthas. He has so much self healing that he is probably the best pub ready tank. My general build follows:

1 - +Radius to my E (Tempest)
4 - +150% damage on Frostmourne Hungers
7 - Rune Tap
10 - Ghouls
13 - Trail of Frost
17 - Frostmoure Feeds
20 - Either Ghouls or Rez timer (depends on the team's comp)

Basically once you hit level 7 you can solo Hard merc camps. Just pop your E and use Frostmourne Hungers when it's up. At 10 you can start really becoming the initiator in team fights. Ghouls just give so much HP when you first get them that you become basically unkillable. Especially combined with your Q self heal. Trail of Frost turns your W from a skill shot into a simple line based root. Which really helps because it is somewhat difficult to land. Frostmourne Feeds combined with your level 4 upgrade makes you pretty decent at taking 1v1 fights even when your Ghouls are down. It is a really good pub friendly tank build.
The build you posted here has some serious mistakes (Stoneskin in particular is absolutely mandatory against good players) Generally, you want to go -

1 - Frozen Wastes (E Radius is mandatory)

4 - Envenom (The bonus damage from envenom far exceeds anything else at the tier + goes well with Arthas's trend towards roaming ganking)

7 - Rune Tap OR Frost Strike - depends on the game and composition really.

10 - Ghouls (Sindragosa basically does nothing for teamfights relative to the survivability of ghouls)

13 - Biting Cold (Arthas shouldn't have any issues landing skillshot Ws. Increasing the damage of his E by 50% is a massive step up for team fight contribution)

16 - Stoneskin (Biggest threat Arthas has in team fights is being bursted down before he can get max value out of his ghouls. Stoneskin gives such a large amount of burst prevention that it guarantees you'll always live to use ghouls)

20 - Resurgence (The Ghoul Ult upgrade is pretty awful in general)

Just to add some credibility, here's a replay from a recent high end scrim using Arthas -


You can load it by putting the Replay in - C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroes of the Storm\Support and then dragging and dropping the replay on to HeroesSwitcher.exe


They really need some way to 'leave' before a game starts if you do not agree with your team.

Sign up as Tyrael (Who I am moderately good with) and my team is Abathur, Zeratul, Nova, and Murky. Spent more time dead than alive in that game =/