Heroes of the Storm


Toe Sucker
I can't really watch ZP for too long, i don't know why.. but i can't lol, that sounds entertaining though hah

then again i subbed to chu8 which is entirely the opposite kind of audience lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Chu is fun because he doesn't try hard even in the least. He plays trash tier heroes more often than not it seems and doesn't take himself seriously at all. Grubby is probably the best tryhard stream if you're trying to learn how to actually play the game better.


Molten Core Raider
Grubby is the only decent HoTS streamer. All the others form up 5 mans and go stomping hero league. Not that fun to watch.


Grubby is the only decent HoTS streamer. All the others form up 5 mans and go stomping hero league. Not that fun to watch.
That shit needs to go away, immediately. There's a reason League was 2 max can queue together at a time and Teams is a separate ladder, I don't even know why it's different in HotS. I just started playing so i'm still leveling up but if I start playing HL and 5-stacks stay a thing vs solo queuers then I won't be playing very long. Fuck that noise.


Trakanon Raider
Problem is they don't have even decent matchmaking. I'm sure there is some capable high rank players on HL, but getting teamed up with 35, 40, or even rank 45+ when I'm 10 or under?

Just no.


Molten Core Raider
Well, Bliz released stats showing that its hugely hugely unlikely that a solo ever directly fights a 5 stack. Like 95+ of games are solo v solo. That being said, it definitely impacts the integrity of the ladder: 4 fantastic players could easily carry a scrub in their 5 stack... so HL may mean someone ground out high rank solo, or HL may mean someone has a really strong team. Substantially different than high LoL/Dota ladder.


Golden Squire
Grubby is the only decent HoTS streamer. All the others form up 5 mans and go stomping hero league. Not that fun to watch.
The problem is that when your MMR is at a certain level, you don't really have a choice but to group up. The matchmaker will just ruthlessly fuck you every time. When I solo Q, the average team setup is something along the lines of

Me - 1
A - 23
B - 20
C - 28
D - 30


V - 10
W - 9
X - 5
Y - 3
Z - 1

Because internally that makes sense to the matchmaker off a pure numerical level. Unfortunately, it leads to miserable games. You can solo Q to rank 1 just fine, but once you raise your MMR way beyond the point of Rank 1, you just get totally fucked for actually solo q'ing. All because of the 6 minute rule really.

So yeah, I can't even solo q if I wanted to. The system basically ensures a miserable experience because my real MMR is in the 0.001% at this point.


<Bronze Donator>
They already announced that they are changing Team League to just be a 5 man queue, so if you queue with 5 it's auto Team League and you have to queue with less for Hero League.

Which doesn't completely solve the problem, because people will just be dicks and queue with 4. However matchmaking does try to queue groups of similar size vs each other, but it doesn't always happen.


Vyemm Raider
I picked up Malfurian.

For an easy tier support champion he's a big pain in the ass compared to spam-q Lili.

Any tips or advice?


<Silver Donator>
At lvl 13 or something you get a passive that casts a Regrowth on a wounded ally automatically every 15seconds, along with the passive at 16 or whatever that gives faster cooldowns at over 80%health, it's very easy to keep hots rolling on everyone(also obviously get the +duration regrowth talent). I also get the 2 shields(single target at 4 and team at 20) and tranquility, the shields are great to let the HoTs kick in.

You do kinda have to play more than Lili, but you also get better results. The root is a lot stronger than Lili's shitty blind even with the slow talent, the damage is actually not too bad if you spam moonfires on cooldown+land the root, Tranquility is a lot stronger than 1000cups in most teamfight situations, Regrowth is stronger than Lili's heal once talented properly, and his innate skill Innervate is great in everygame since there's almost always one hero that has shitty mana issues. Only downside versus Lili is he's not as good as running away from shit but not a huge issue I've found.

I kinda like Malf, he's a basic healer and does the job well. I'd say probably too well, but that's a general HotS issue, a lot of the supports are just healers and they heal stupid amounts. Mostly you just run around and Q everyone who takes damage and Innervate whenever it's up, looking to land that root on stuff. Moonfire when you need to push or finish someone or whatever. I find getting Conjurer's Path for mana regen is almost a must and you'll want to soak a few waves in lanes to get it stacked a bit and you really cannot not take the increased duration regrowth.


Molten Core Raider
So yeah, I can't even solo q if I wanted to. The system basically ensures a miserable experience because my real MMR is in the 0.001% at this point.
LoL's answer is 45+min queue times for guys in your bracket, but maybe some other work could be done to innovate. Think of some type of flattening to the enormous MMR boost you give to a team: if the game determines the R1+++ composes X percentage of total team MMR, then reduce R1+++s MMR in the calculation by Y percent. If that makes sense.

Bliz could fill in the X/Y values easily enough with the metrics they have; to use LoL vocabulary: no Challenger is going to carry 4 Silvers against a team of 5 Diamonds. But if they studied the metrics they'd find proper breakpoints. Shit, if they're going to do that they may as well make the team aware of it: as in, ("Look fuckers, you have a .001 percent player on your team, follow his calls.") Give him a silver border or some shit, haha.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Eh they could fix it by not giving people like ZPs such a dramatically bad team. Like lets say he is rank 1+++ and when he gets a game it is with a bunch of 20's. Obviously that won't be better than 1,3,5,7,10. So maybe just realize he's in the top 0.1% MMR and give him like 5,7,9,10,12. If we take for granted Blizzard's general MMR is sum(team1) == sum(team2) just make the ceiling for MMR at a reasonable level. So instead of rank 1 being (lets say) 3500 MMR and people like ZPs are at 5000 MMR. Make it cap out at like 4000 MMR or something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is there a limit on how many people can observe a custom match?

I'm asking because we have more casual friends who are just getting into hero league and would like to do 5 man's in ranked, but really they need more experience before doing competitive 5-man play. And they need meaningful practice, not stomps or slaughters. We had a really good 5 man quick match last night, 38m spider tomb map, but those are very rare, its usually feast or famine. They have said they would put in work to improve so I'm considering starting a league night where we could meet one night a week and practice against another 5-man. It would be like 5-8 of us since I'm sure not everyone would make it every week so it would be nice if the people not playing the game could observe and really needed because we could observe them in game and point out things they should know/be doing.

It seems like there are a number of rerolled bros on in the evening now, if I did something like this I figured I'd ask here first to see if we could get a team going, if not I'll try teamliquid's website. So do we have 5-7ish people here that would be interested in meeting one night a week, we'll give you our mumble info and we can play some games together? I don't know what night of the week yet, but I assume it would be a mon-thurs night and would be between ~8:00-10/10:30 cdt. I'd say our mmr ranges from bronze to diamond so anyone could join really, just be lvl 30 and have at least 10 heroes we would do a draft phase on heroes draft.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The limit is 2. It is a carryover from the SC2 engine which only allowed 12 people in a game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I picked up Malfurian.

For an easy tier support champion he's a big pain in the ass compared to spam-q Lili.

Any tips or advice?
Pyros has good advice, you might also consider taking Ice Block at 13 over the auto rejuv, you can block during Tranq and become immune while still pushing Tranq out (nothing interupts tranq except you dying, this just makes you invuln while you do it) which allows you to position dangerously for your team and anchor a fight point. It might also fuck you if everyone runs away or somehow gets wiped with Tranq up but it is something you see more of at higher mmr.


Toe Sucker
get good with entangling roots, that shit alone can help win a team fight or allow your team to get away


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there a limit on how many people can observe a custom match?

I'm asking because we have more casual friends who are just getting into hero league and would like to do 5 man's in ranked, but really they need more experience before doing competitive 5-man play. And they need meaningful practice, not stomps or slaughters. We had a really good 5 man quick match last night, 38m spider tomb map, but those are very rare, its usually feast or famine. They have said they would put in work to improve so I'm considering starting a league night where we could meet one night a week and practice against another 5-man. It would be like 5-8 of us since I'm sure not everyone would make it every week so it would be nice if the people not playing the game could observe and really needed because we could observe them in game and point out things they should know/be doing.

It seems like there are a number of rerolled bros on in the evening now, if I did something like this I figured I'd ask here first to see if we could get a team going, if not I'll try teamliquid's website. So do we have 5-7ish people here that would be interested in meeting one night a week, we'll give you our mumble info and we can play some games together? I don't know what night of the week yet, but I assume it would be a mon-thurs night and would be between ~8:00-10/10:30 cdt. I'd say our mmr ranges from bronze to diamond so anyone could join really, just be lvl 30 and have at least 10 heroes we would do a draft phase on heroes draft.
You're in luck Titan Arena was announced recently so you can put together the Gamers @ Shady Oaks Retirement Home team and get roflstomped in hilarious fashion. I'd tune in.