Heroes of the Storm

I play both. A lot more league then DotA but both have their place. I'll of course play HoTS just for the ability to play all the champs I've grown up with/seen in blizzard games for years.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Really? I think they look pretty good, especially when compared to what is on the market. Any f2p game being released is going to ensure it can be played on 10 year old pcs.

Unfortunately almost always, isn't always, see Diablo 3. Fortunately, I think the graphics are fine the way they are.

This game will be the tfc of mobas.
I was in D3 Alpha and the graphics did change pretty heavily from Alpha to Release.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Calm down, was trolling you dota guys. On a more serious note I actually think league got the timing on combat right. Not so slow its boring but not so fast it's spammy. Its a nice middle ground between stare into book to med(eq) and hit every key at all times (wow). The only champ in league that I can describe as spammy is ryze.


Blackwing Lair Raider



Blackwing Lair Raider
I gotta say the graphics are REALLY under whelming.
I was in D3 Alpha and the graphics did change pretty heavily from Alpha to Release.
Fair enough, I was thinking moreso how sc2 only had a high graphic quality in beta, but then launced with an extreme. Many people were hoping d3 would do the same.

Does anyone know if they ever did announce an eta on closed beta?


Trakanon Raider
Seeing as it's running on SC2 engine - have they said if the server still sends all the data to every client or have they got their act together ?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Seeing as it's running on SC2 engine - have they said if the server still sends all the data to every client or have they got their act together ?
SC2 still sends all the data to every client so until we hear otherwise Heroes does the same and will allow for hacking and disconnect screens.


Molten Core Raider
as much as i wanna hate it, im sure ill have some form of enjoyment just playing as some of the blizzard characters.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I completely disagree with jOOt, I started playing dota2 about 3 months ago and it's my first moba. Yes at times you can get stuck on a complete shit team but that doesn't mean you can't focus on a facet of your game regardless of what is going on around you and see pretty consistent improvement. My knowledge of the map, awareness of the map, jungling, etc is constantly being improved regardless of whether I win or lose.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Does Heroes run in the SC2 client? I thought they divorced themselves from that. The engine doesn't dictate the netcode that runs underneath the sheets.


I was lazy and didn't go back... if this was info was posted already plz scream at me buuuuuuut

I played this 7 times(gg employee backdoor) and it wasn't awful. I had fun, its kinda like how dota transformed to league. there are aspects that get easier not harder and everything gets homogenized. Teams level up sharing an xp bar so snowballing didn't exist as badly.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This went on while most of us were at work, so in case you missed it and are interested.

The objective spawning point being random does seem really cool.


No items is bleh. No base/creep economy is bleh. If the point is to provide alternate paths to victory, go all the way. Don't strip a working model and then only go half way with your own.

WTB AoS + Dota 2 merge.


Trakanon Raider
Well, Blizzard is pretty good at stripping down existing games to their bare bones and polishing the crap out of that.


Vyemm Raider
No items is bleh. No base/creep economy is bleh. If the point is to provide alternate paths to victory, go all the way. Don't strip a working model and then only go half way with your own.

WTB AoS + Dota 2 merge.
I found myself wondering where the items were at in that video.... They seriously have no items in this game? Not sure how much potential I see in a game like this without items.


Can't really say I'm too impressed in what Blizzard has announced from the game. Shared XP (even when dead), no importance on last hitting/gold/item builds.. just makes everything a bit more bland. Even as a big league fan i still have 400+ hours of time spent on DotA2 and can appreciate some of the extra difficulty in lane match ups with last hit/denying and especially a lot more interesting pick/ban phase.. I can't see the appeal in this game as a spectator. Noticing CS leads in games like league/dota2 (and denies) is actually pretty cool, with items playing a big role in how a champion performs. With that comes a big emphasis on how well you can farm to reach those items ahead or on pace with the enemy team, this is just levelling for your +gooder stats and seems kinda boring. Probably will be a big hit with people that can't make it past the curve of the more complex moba's, and to fuck around in will probably be "cool" to play as some blizzard hero, but as a spectator this seems boring and not interesting at all competitively. Give me more dota2/league tournaments


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I can understand getting rid of the items. I don't know if doing away with items means that leveling means more in this game compared to DOTA/LoL. But learning a moba is a complete pain in the ass because you need to learn so much. You need to learn all the characters, learn all their abilities, learn all the items, learn all the crafting recipes. I think we just need to accept this game on it's own merit and stop trying to draw comparisons to traditional MOBAs.

Also looks like towers have limited ammo so the minions can overwhelm them easier than most games.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Finished watching the game. From a spectator point of view I don't know how long this game will keep interest. It seems relatively shallow. But I'm going to hold off judgement until I can actually understand the mechanics and what the players are trying to accomplish more. I think a great way to look at this game is this is what Diablo PvP is supposed to be. It is more talent and level based instead of skill and item based. They basically stripped away everything from the ARTS genre that doesn't accomplish the goal of forcing action. Getting away from individual XP accomplishes this goal, getting rid of gold and item buying accomplishes this goal. But stripping that away also leaves a fairly shallow game. But if they make the skill ceiling high enough for the individual heroes the game could be good. I'm cautiously optimistic.