Hex: Shards of Fate TCG - Set 7: Frostheart 6/29/17


Silver Baronet of the Realm
For a game that people had zero issues dropping hundreds and hundreds (!) of dollars on, this thread has been awfully quiet for a while.


I think the discussion has moved off this board. They formally announced today that alpha will be end of September (was already rumored). I have been wasting time practicing drafting atwww.hexdraft.comand am still excited.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, some talk is at the f13 forum, but even that is mostly quiet. I'm sure stuff will blow back up once alpha starts, but there really just hasn't been much to talk about in the last couple of months.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
From what I have read on their site, Gencon is going very well. They had a couple of technical issues initially, but they got it all up and running and have had nothing but positive things to say both about the game and the developers. Lot of people(A count showed 200 in the line) trying the game that never even knew it existed. The remarks I have read concerning the openness of the developers gives me high hopes for this game. The big announcement to me was the official announcement concerning the September start for player alpha.

Until Alpha begins, there really is not much to discuss that has not already been discussed, unless something drastic occurs.


The game is fun. Still a bunch of bugs with cards not working and graphical bugs, but they have a special $10 - play all day and get promo cards.

They have about 8 decks playable. After playing it here, I will be backing it on the site.


The game is fun. Still a bunch of bugs with cards not working and graphical bugs, but they have a special $10 - play all day and get promo cards.

They have about 8 decks playable. After playing it here, I will be backing it on the site.
I went on the sight to see if i could buy in to alpha and what not but it kept saying it wasnt active. Guess you gotta do the slaker backer on the site. maybe after sunday ill be inclined to buy in.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am betting the PvE will not be ready for testing until December or even next year. The game itself is not due to release until at least Spring of 2014, so I suspect the PvE is what will hold up the release.


Lord Nagafen Raider

Some of my Gencon pics. There are some Hex at the end. Game is VERY fun but definitely buggy still. I really want to see the PvE. Hoping going again today to win more tickets for extra rewards that I can give out.


Trakanon Raider
Thats what I'm talking about Selix! You get on top of it!

Also, yeah, that does look like a lot of fun. I played a new game last night (New to me I mean), called Puzzle Strike that was pretty fun. I was only super bummed out to not get to play MORE, stupid adults wanting to go off and screw instead of just playing board games all night. Priorities people! I'm sure multiple days of all the board games I could handle would be worth the price in retrospect.


Today was fun there. We just played games to see what crashed the system. At one point in a bunny deck va bunny deck, each side had 40+ rabbits out and the game couldn't handle triggers. Another game if you played 2 of the same card (inferno), it crashed also due to triggers. I will have 2 extra GenCon promo sleeves codes to give out once they are sent out.


I really want to see the PvE. Hoping going again today to win more tickets for extra rewards that I can give out.
Not going to be seeing much, if any PvE at all before launch, unfortunately. I think we still get some random boss fights to fiddle with at some point in beta, but PvE on the whole needs some work.

I was talking a fair amount with the lead PvE dev at the dragonlord dinner, and he said that the set 1 PvP cards need to be locked down, and then they'll give PvE some more tuning passes. Apparently all of the dungeons are "complete", but lots of things need to change. There's apparently one dungeon that was built entirely around a character who actually got bumped from set 1, and as they've balanced the set 1 PvP cards, it's thrown the PvE balance out of whack.

Also, based on what a couple of people said who were playing against the AI at the demo both, it still needs a fair amount of work.

Good news is that they're apparently planning on a monthly release schedule for PvE stuff though once it does get rolling. Got a really good feeling talking to the guys about the game. They're all as genuine and excited as they come across in videos.


Also, if you didn't get any promo guys from Gencon this year, they will be available in game next year -"What we're doing is this: the sleeves are given out only if you attend the event, like a collectible convention badge (sleeves are going to be EARNED). The mercenaries and alternate art cards will be included in the booster pack treasure chests generated during the hours of the event (in the case of Gen Con 2014, it would be 12 AM Thursday to 11:59 PM Sunday, across all four days of the convention).

Now, I know this creates a bit of a problem for Gen Con 2013 since you won't be able to open booster packs during this time. So, in this case, we will add GenCon 2013 to the loot table of GenCon 2014."


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I was at GenCon, had a good time. A lot of game-wrecking bugs (hi there, uniques being able to be be in play in multiples, half the graveyard recursion cards not actually working, playing a second a inferno causing the game to crash, etc), but generally an enjoyable experience. Pretty much every game was fun, outside of the bugs and standard Magic-style "welp, mana-screw" games (which aren't fun regardless of which side of the board you are on). Not really much to say about the game from the GenCon stuff. It's starter decks for the part of the game that's not super-innovative. It was about as fun as ramming Magic the Gathering Intro Packs into each other gets.

What was fun, was watching people completely lose their shit over bugs in a pre-alpha product. And even moreso, seeing people who apparently have never played MTG before (there were a TON of these in the hex line, oddly), work themselves up into a lather over getting mana-screwed or flooded.

Did enough games to get 8 of the alt-art wolf, 2 of the mercenary, and one set of sleeves (whee, Team Fortress Hats). Had more fun than I did in some of the events I was in for actual real-live card games (Legend of the Five Rings is like slowly jamming needles under your finger nails right now).

Main downside was that the Hex gaming area was right next to the "Bushiroad" area, which contained a product I thought was some kind of internet joke until I actually saw people like, playing it. Wife-wars; get your random anime little girls and have them fight to the death.

Also, holy shit was the WoW TCG area small this year. I guess Blizzard announcing Hearthstone pretty much killed it.

Also, Thrawnseg, they said the opposite at the Dragonlord dinner (these promos are not to be available later). So at this point they're blowing smoke up everyone's ass to keep everyone happy, and we have no bloody clue how they're actually going to handle the promos.

I will say, I was disappointed in the professionalism (or lack therof) of the staff, and some questionable choices in handling issues. When individuals lost a game due to a bug in the programming, the staff just shrugged and handed two tickets to the winner, one to the loser. Consistently. When your own lazy programming screws people out of games (all 0 cost cards are quick actions coding shortcut was particularly zesty for the dwarf deck, but thankfully they fixed the "random number generator seeding off system clock's minute entry" issue), you should probably just "sack up" and hand out two copies of "ticket you're going to just re-hand back out after its redeemed for a digital award that costs you next to nothing to produce." Most of the people there just seemed annoyed to be doing work that was, in all likelihood, not in their job description.

Additionally, escalate cards are pretty bonkers in a low-power format.