I'm just starting to get into this, i'd lie if I said I greatly favor DoC vs HEX at this stage but it has potential. I wouldn't be touching this probably if it wasn't for DoC's recent changes, just so many bad decisions....first time in my entire gaming career I actually watched a "twitch" live broadcast of the dev's etc and the more I heard them the more I got concerned they don't know what the fuck they are doing in alot of areas.
So i'll see about HEX.
I am still looking for a GK or Pro, have a few potential sellers but will take any other sellers offers into consideration before I pull the trigger. I will warn people though, the way its set up HEX is going to be a fucking money pit but I guess this isn't news to people that played these types of games before (I'm new to the genre with DoC being my first about 6-7 months ago). I had pretty damn good success in DoC so i'm hoping I can make some waves in HEX.
Just started really feeling the game out the last day or two and my go to deck at this point is a blood-ruby orc deck that has synergies up the ass and can really bring the pain but I lose some games just due to me learning some of the werid shit in the game.
(PM me if you are selling please)