HI-RES Final Fantasy VIII PC 2013


Trakanon Raider
What are they doing with FF 7? I am fairly certain a HD remake of that one would outsell even their new IP releases, certainly more than 8 and 10. They teased with the trailer in 06 was it? Then a confirmed HD remake of X, now 8.....

I don't understand. Is there some strange copyright thing that stops them from doing it? Was Squaresoft partly owned by other people? I know that while they were called Squaresoft the quality of their games were several levels higher, but I thought SquareEnix owned it as they have released the unaltered digital copy of it. Maybe the FF 7 announcement will come at E3 as they did that whole "And now the director of the FF branch will come say something" "Be prepared for E3", at the Sony PS4 conference.

As to FF 8, I will buy this too. I liked 8, but I really hope they fix the "draw" mechanic. That sucked as my gaming ocd immediately needed 99 of everything without knowing there was limited room. Having to grind enemies only to use up spells so I could draw in more powerful ones was not fun.


Vyemm Raider
The gameplay had been debated to death on this forum already so i'll just say that even with zomg HD!!1 graphics, using the same low polygon engine as the original still makes it look dated and crappy. If you have any delusions that they are going to overhaul either the magic or leveling systems prepare to be disappointed, as we all know this is just going to be a visual update tossed out quickly to make some quick cash.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pretty sure that the idea put forth by SE is that they don't want to go back to their "best" until they can top it, which the director believes that they haven't done yet. Hence the lack of a remake of 7. Of course, for many things that happened during a very specific period of gaming, the world isn't the same place that existed at that moment when FF7 came out. The PS1 isn't -the- console on the market anymore with the first super good CGI'd up HOLYFUCK-3D RPG that received a media blitz like few games since. Their reasoning makes sense partially from a story perspective (I'm looking at you, FF13/13-2) but beyond that it's more of them wanting to hold onto their last ace in the hole when it comes to legions of fanboys. 7 was the cherry-popping experience for a lot of the gaming public when it comes to big name RPGs, and they are probably just worried about putting it out there without another equally strong title to fall back on when they release a flop like FF14(intially) again.


Trakanon Raider
FFVIII did come to Windows in 2000, but some players thought the port subpar.
All of those screenshots are from the PC CD-ROM version released in 2000. I still have them. You can see that the graphics are not updated and not overhauled in anyway. If these are indeed 2013 shots, then all they did is make it compatible with modern operating systems.


Vyemm Raider
Those 3 screens are indeed 2013 shots. That's why it specifically says "Here is a first look at theupcomingPC release:"


Trump's Staff
I can't believe that. If that's what they call a high-res release they should just scrap the entire project right now.


Trakanon Raider
I can't believe that. If that's what they call a high-res release they should just scrap the entire project right now.
Why scrap it? Low investment, high financial gain. Die hard mouthbreathing fanboys eat that shit up. Can't wait to see the pricetag lol.


Trump's Staff
Die hard mouth-breathing fanboys can already emulate the game with higher rendering resolution, lol. If the game comes out looking like that, it's worthless.



I don't consider myself a videophile by any stretch of the imagination, but that hardly looks HD to me. Retouched surely, but HD? Hahaha.


I don't think it's really a troll, it's just a hilarious cash grab re-release of a 13 year old PC title that 2 interns are probably doing all the work on. Remember that FFX/X-2 HD and KH1.5 HD were both done byliterallyonly 2 people, this is probably just more of that.


A problem with VII could be that so much of the backgrounds were outsourced. This can pose two issues: a legal one (depending on the original deals) and a technical one (the outside studios might only have delivered low resolution renders and tracking these companies down - if they still exist - to dig for assets - if they kept them - sounds like a nightmare). I believe the Square office set in Hawaii was up and running at the time of FFVIII nullifying these issues.


Trakanon Raider
Die hard mouth-breathing fanboys can already emulate the game with higher rendering resolution, lol. If the game comes out looking like that, it's worthless.

Hey, I agree with you on all accounts but worthless it is not. To us maybe, but not to Squeenix. Fools love throwing money at those fuckers and as sean pointed out, it is all likely being done by an intern or two. And the die hards will throw MORE money at it in a few more years when it's released on mobile phones and yet MORE in another 15 years when it is re re-released in ultra 3d hd or whatever the fuck.

These guys just restructured their company and announced huge losses. Blatent cash grab.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They really need to hit a home run with FF15 (I'm pretty sure versus was folded into 15?). Needs to have a huge world to explore w/ an overworld map, a great story (fire everyone who wrote for FF12), and lots of extras including super tough optional bosses.