High Calorie Meals?

Based on what you're describing here with your mother's condition, your best bet is to stay away from the carbs all together and attempt to get her more fats. Fats are 9 calories per gram, where as protein and carbs are 4 calories per gram. Unfortunately they fill you up quite a bit more (if she has appetite issues). Cream based soups, meat with fat, deep fried anything will raise the calories.


Trakanon Raider
instead of following crazy diet fads why not just follow a balanced diet from the get go? I think the main problem is that the government subsidizes corn and wheat completely out of proportion to what is needed in our everyday diets.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If there wasn't a sodium stipulation, I'd say make her pound down a few Hardee's Monster burger combos, like 3000 calories in one meal.


Plumpy'nut not sure if you can buy it in the US though.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plumpy%27nut

Are you giving her ensure They are expensive but pack a lot of calories and vitamins into a single serving can. Nutella is also really high caloric and available in supermarkets. A little on bread gos a long way.

I would check with a nutritionist for any other ideas. You may want to go to a nursing home and talk to the nutritionist there and the cooks. One nursing home Im familiar with used to bake a chocolate chip cookie with an incredible amount of calories in it.

Jim Russel

Lord Nagafen Raider
Her problem is she loves stupid fucking food, like vegatable soup, and chicken broth and fruit and dumb, non weight gaining shit.
Dude, her liver is failing. Of course she doesn't want to eat the shit you're trying to feed her. Reduced liver function=reduced ability to process fat into energy=reduced appetite for fat.

Feed her what she will eat. She'll probably tolerate carbs better than anything.


Molten Core Raider
Lots of Peanut Butter, eggs, and if she can stomach protein the easiest way to put on weight is through Protein Mass Gainer. 600 calories plus 55 grams of protein in liquid form is a lot easier to take in high calories than healthy food options and much better than downing McDonalds and Wendys. It shouldn't replace a meal but if she can drink one down to supplement her meals it should make a big difference.

Making high calorie yet healthy small meals is extremely harm to do. Like Tuco said, find what she likes and can eat and then jazz it up with calories. For example, if she likes sweet potatoes, make drunken sweet potatoes instead so the butter can up the calories. Or green bean casserole instead of just having green beans. The problem though is these type of meals are more involved and probably harder on the stomach.
I'm not a scientist nor am I pretending to know anything about this... but isn't there some concept regarding how much of the actual intake is metabolized and how much is just shit out? I suspect if you fed an older woman with diminished health a mass gainer shake it wouldn't have the same effect on if you gave it to me right before/after an hour at the gym?


Molten Core Raider
I'd run this by her doctor (or any doctor) first, but, as suggested by some of the prior posters, look for "Weight Gain" powder. A mix of simple carbs and protein. You could probably get 350 calories in a few times a day.
Doctor's Prescription:



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have no advice to give, other than to not take anyone's advice in this thread. Talk to her doctors for advice. I've had to bury both my parents after extended illnesses, so I know how difficult it can be. I'm sure she greatly appreciates your efforts, whether she lets you know or not. Good luck with your mom.


Don't for get Avocados. They provide good calories, carbs and fats.
Also almonds, walnuts and pecans. You can buy almond butter next to peanut butter typically. It costs more obviously, but much better for you.