High Calorie Meals?


Your mom has liver failure with a side of kidney problems and you want to give her high protein foods? I don't think sugar and salt are your biggest problems. If she's already being tube fed then this is no longer in your hands.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
A single bag of Ramen noodles is like 400 calories. I personally could down like three of those with ease, and I am not fat at all. Just drain the water and eat only the noodles with half as much seasoning. Those things are calorie bombs. If you want protein in it, drop an egg or two in the water while it cooks.


When I was going through chemo I basically lived off of Ensure supplement drinks, peanut butter and banana sandwiches on whole wheat toast, and chicken broth. Once I started to be able to hold down even more solid foods, I ate Clif bars like they were going out of style.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My dad had cancer and after his second operation he had about 2/3 of his tongue removed. This made it hard for him to eat and hard for him to put on any weight. Eventually what we found worked well for him was basically body builder shakes. The doctor said to give it a try and we went to one of the body builder stores that had the body building bulk up shake powder. We found some flavors he liked and that stuff kept him alive for a good 10 extra years before he finally passed away.


put her on a gluten-free diet with lots of vegetables, high quality fats (eggs, coconut oil, grass-fed beef, olive oil) and nutrient-dense starches like sweet potatoes. the last thing you want to do is overload the liver with fructose and carb-laden foods.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
put her on a gluten-free diet with lots of vegetables, high quality fats (eggs, coconut oil, grass-fed beef, olive oil) and nutrient-dense starches like sweet potatoes. the last thing you want to do is overload the liver with fructose and carb-laden foods.
Damn man thanks. I just figured she needs protein to put on weight quickly. She cant eat Ramen because of the high sodium. I think im going to get her weight gainer powder, protein powder, and do the pancake thing as well as sticking with the chicken soup at least and start adding in peanut butter on bagels etc. And no its not out of my hands. It wont be till she dies.

And im sorry to hear that kaid. Nursing a sick parent is a lot harder than people think. Its so annoying having people question the amount of work I do heh.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Ill agree with some of the above posters. Weight gain formulas/high proteins are best. When you're light and cant eat much, you want to make sure you get all the required nutrition first, this can be accomplished between the aforementioned and vitamins. On top of that, start introducing luxury food as you can. If you go without eating for a long time, baby food is highly recommended as something to start introducing on top of a sustenance diet. It's typically very good, very healthy and very easy on the eater.


Well, sorry for not getting into the details but I didnt want to sound like I was feeling bad for myself, or trying to come off as a tool who rattled off all of her ailments in my OP.

But just in order to help, she has chronic liver failure (cirrhosis) diabetes, kidney failure (she is on dialysis) nueropathy, schizophrenia and horrible nutrition. She is not a certified schizo she just talks in her sleep so she has to take Risperidone to help it.

She is supposed to be on a feeding tube 24 hrs a day (its inserted nasally, and goes all the way down into her colon past her stomach. She cant have it placed directly as her stomach is always filled with 6+ liters of fluid due to the liver failure) but its hard to maintain that 45 ml an hour because she has problems with shitting herself. Trust me I have been living a smal nightmare for the past 2 and a half years trying to take care of her as no one else helpes out. My little bro and sis are 21 or so and are living their lives and cant be bothered. Im 28 and the oldest so naturally Im taking the responsibility.

And I talked to her doctors and they all say the same stupid shit. "She needs to eat right, blah blah blah". But Im kind of looking for small tricks to bombard her with calories. I like the protien pancakes. Its cheap, and it works. Her problem is she loves stupid fucking food, like vegatable soup, and chicken broth and fruit and dumb, non weight gaining shit. She is really bad right now, like so bad she cant even get to her toilet. Anyway, she cant really eat sodium or salt or sugary shit. But other than that Im all ears.
Have her doctor switch risperidone to quietapine; it causes more weight gain. Maybe add a low dose of mirtazapine to help her gain even more weight and help with sleep.

Other than that, nuts and peanut butter is her best bet but kind of hard to do that if she's on a feedine tube. See if she can tolerate adding peanut butter to soup or some olive/cocount/madamia oil.

edit: She's on dialysis. It's controversial but no one should be recommending extra protein in her case.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, sorry for not getting into the details but I didnt want to sound like I was feeling bad for myself, or trying to come off as a tool who rattled off all of her ailments in my OP.

But just in order to help, she has chronic liver failure (cirrhosis) diabetes, kidney failure (she is on dialysis) nueropathy, schizophrenia and horrible nutrition. She is not a certified schizo she just talks in her sleep so she has to take Risperidone to help it.

She is supposed to be on a feeding tube 24 hrs a day (its inserted nasally, and goes all the way down into her colon past her stomach. She cant have it placed directly as her stomach is always filled with 6+ liters of fluid due to the liver failure) but its hard to maintain that 45 ml an hour because she has problems with shitting herself. Trust me I have been living a smal nightmare for the past 2 and a half years trying to take care of her as no one else helpes out. My little bro and sis are 21 or so and are living their lives and cant be bothered. Im 28 and the oldest so naturally Im taking the responsibility.

And I talked to her doctors and they all say the same stupid shit. "She needs to eat right, blah blah blah". But Im kind of looking for small tricks to bombard her with calories. I like the protien pancakes. Its cheap, and it works. Her problem is she loves stupid fucking food, like vegatable soup, and chicken broth and fruit and dumb, non weight gaining shit. She is really bad right now, like so bad she cant even get to her toilet. Anyway, she cant really eat sodium or salt or sugary shit. But other than that Im all ears.
Based on what youre describing, and the likelihood that she has severe diabetes given the renal failure, she probably has very bad diabetic gastroparesis, which is exponentially worsened by her liver failure and medicatins. in her situation, the things she describes as enjoying are likely all she can tolerate.

You may want to ask her doctors if they think this is a possibility. But to be very blunt, with cirrhosis and end stage renal disease, and on top of that diabetes, The best bet is to make her happy and as comfortable as possible, and her diet should reflect basically whatever it is she enjoys that she can tolerate. She has so many complicating factors with her medical conditions and likely pharmaceutical related issues as well, that any recommendations are perilous at best, and at her stage in life it's unlikely that anything will reverse or significantly improve her situation.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Based on what youre describing, and the likelihood that she has severe diabetes given the renal failure, she probably has very bad diabetic gastroparesis, which is exponentially worsened by her liver failure and medicatins. in her situation, the things she describes as enjoying are likely all she can tolerate.

You may want to ask her doctors if they think this is a possibility. But to be very blunt, with cirrhosis and end stage renal disease, and on top of that diabetes, The best bet is to make her happy and as comfortable as possible, and her diet should reflect basically whatever it is she enjoys that she can tolerate. She has so many complicating factors with her medical conditions and likely pharmaceutical related issues as well, that any recommendations are perilous at best, and at her stage in life it's unlikely that anything will reverse or significantly improve her situation.
I hate reading shit like this but its sobering. I just love my mom a lot and I just cant even imagine her dying man.

But yeah, she has hope dude. She is on a liver+kidney transplant list. I bring her to Beth Israel in Boston and its one of the best hospitals out there. Her infections and weight loss caused her to be deactivated on the list, so Im trying to get her to gain weight now that the infections are gone so she can get back active on the list.

This shit is extremely stressful, and I really do thank each and every one of you who responded and tried to help.

edit: Btw guys she just turned 50
She is still relatively young and is an excellent transplant candidate. (besides the health problems)


Sorry for not being more clear. You cannot give your mother any of the shit listed above like body builder drinks, high carb foods, and protein powder because the build up of urea in her blood would cause brain damage and kill her.

She is on a highly restricted diet, was tube fed, etc for a reason. I don't know where you would find medical grade fat emulsions. That's why I said it was out of your hands.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Rune's right. Without healthy kidney's and a good working liver to help filter out toxins, any excess food you give her is going to cause her serious problems.


Molten Core Raider
ensure is good basically a protein shake, pretty sure this gets covered under insurance too.


If you try to DIY this shit using information you are getting from the internet, you may kill your mom. Don't be a moron.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And I talked to her doctors and they all say the same stupid shit. "She needs to eat right, blah blah blah". But Im kind of looking for small tricks to bombard her with calories. I like the protien pancakes. Its cheap, and it works. Her problem is she loves stupid fucking food, like vegatable soup, and chicken broth and fruit and dumb, non weight gaining shit. She is really bad right now, like so bad she cant even get to her toilet. Anyway, she cant really eat sodium or salt or sugary shit. But other than that Im all ears.
Good fat, some protein and veggies. Does she like avocado or guacamole? How about almonds, walnuts, macadamias? Broth I think is good too. Maybe she would like a simple ground beef chili or even just beef and eggplant which is closer to soup than a hunk of meat. Sweet potatoes are good too for getting some extra calories.

Good luck.