It's crazy when I look back at all of Ice Cubes collection. I can listen to all of his CD's in their entirety and never even think of hitting the skip button. He is really the embodiment of what all these rappers claim to be today. The best part about his songs is some of the under-appreciated songs that got overlooked when they were released are getting more attention now than they ever did just because the talent in the game has gone down. You really need to get beyond the thick pop layer that has over-run most modern rap venues to get to the real shit nowadays. I have over 8000 songs on my winamp and the only modern era rappers I have on here thats more than 1 or 2 songs is Glasses Malone, Maino and Rick Ross. Most consider Ross a pop-hopper but his lyricism gets enough respect from me to listen to a lot of his Teflon Don/Trilla/Deeper Than Rap CD's. Maino and Glasses use to be legit rappers, now they are trying to follow the pop-hop trend to make a buck. Both their newest Cd's are mostly mainstreamed garbage/club music.
Anyway back to music. Ice Cube off his War & Peace CD's - Ghetto Vet. His lyricism in this song is flawless, its easily voted in my top 3 of his songs and top 10 of all-time rap songs. It sounds like garbage on youtube, its worth buying to get the HD beat. This Tin Can youtube shit dont do it justice.
Glasses Malone has a bunch of different styles and you really have no idea what you are getting. Some of his music is honestly deep, real, and groundbreaking, and others is mainstream adaptation garbage, like an artist trying to be something he's not. His most recent mix-tape #glasshouse is mostly club/south trash. Some of his better tracks
Fuck G.Malone. Somebody paid him 50k to write a diss song about himself.
G.Malone at his best Real Shit -> All I know.
It's sad he couldnt get rich off talent like that, hes resorted to selling out trying to be the next club hit with shit like this.
If you've never heard any real Maino because he tries to do the whole pop-trend garbage to make money here's his best track.
BTW A lot of these tracks are banging. Im hearing a lot of shit I haven't heard before and thats always dope. Thanks for posting. That crooked shit is fire.