Hobby Game


Silver Knight of the Realm
I hope this is the right place to post this, but I'm not sure where else it'd go. Basically I'm looking to make a small hobby game and am looking to see if anyone else is interested in partnering up. I've been learning/practicing with Unity for the last year or so and learning C#, and I think I've become fairly decent at doing them. I'm not trying to go crazy or anything, but think it would be fun and a cool project to make a game, even just something fairly simple and straightforward.

Anyone else interested?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I wish you luck. I made a few mobile games with my buddy several years ago. I enjoyed the work, but we were trying to make livable wages with it... which turned out to be quite a challenge.

If I could offer one bit of advice - start with something really simple (think Pong, a simple adventure game, or simple FPS with one gun) that is somewhat in the vein of the game you want to make then slowly expand on the feature list. You'll learn a lot just by doing the fundamentals, and you'll become more efficient as you get more intimately familiar with your SDK.

If you start with your "real" project at the outset you'll be tempted to scrap your early work and replace it with your newer, better methods. I don't recommend this. Think of your first few iterations as prototypes. By the second or third prototype you'll have a decent idea of whether you should start a new project or continue fleshing out a prototype project.

Anyway, good luck. And please update us as your project(s) progress. It's fun to watch games be developed!


Silver Knight of the Realm
So I actually revived an old project I started for shits and giggles to learn with a number of months ago in Unity. I have two people I'm working on it with, one of whom actually has a degree in CS and is working on a masters while working in the field, and is an experienced coder. For reference I'm just a hobbyist myself, so it's nice to have someone who really knows what he's doing, and it's pretty obvious he does. We're working on a scifi RTS. I recognize this might be a little ambitious, but I'm the sort who tends to aim high. It also helps that both of them seem to be pretty competent, and for better or worse I'm probably the worst coder among the bunch, though I think I've gotten a lot better over the last several months of fiddling in Unity C#.

Based on old code I had laying around and new stuff we've worked, we've got a lot of base code down for several important features, including some important structural decisions like how we're organizing our scripts, naming format, and how we're handling our prefabs. It's all still WIP but it's nice to have a solid foundation decided upon. I've also been out of work recently because of a knee injury and have had a lot of free time. The basic combat/targeting system is in with working two part turrets (base and barrel) which properly track targets, and lead targets properly (well, usually). They also fire dumb projectiles from an object pool I set up, which properly deal damage when they hit a ship, which are divided into components with separate armor/hull/etc. values for each component.

Aside from that we've got a bunch of important of less flashy features working like a nice angled camera and controls and some basic movement. We've also got some super basic missiles which don't do much but fly at their target until they hit or run out of fuel (but they work!), and are currently working on setting up a super basic GUI. We've also got a bunch of code for generating a crew for the ship written, though it needs a lot more refinement and additional code to get it working properly as envisioned. But it's on the way. Things'll probably slow a bit once I get back to work, but until my knee heals in a few months I'm going to have a lot more free time anyway.