Musty Nester
You really need to be very smart to understand the jokes.
Very smart.
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Dug this post then hodj went fullThe ability to both access and broadcast information is changing. There are two evolutionary forces in human society--the ability to organize and distribute power, and the ability to organize and distribute information. Whenever you change either of these things, you get dramatic shifts in human civilization. The internet is the single greatest evolution in organizing and distributing information--its going to produce a bigger shift in the world than the printing press, and we all know how that threw the world into chaos. We've effectively changed human society from a spoke/wheel network, to a point to point network. The sheer increase in bandwidth and data storage is so obscene that people still don't really appreciate the full scope of this destabilization. Think about it, nearly every person in America has the potential reach that ONLY a small handful of companies had just 50 years ago. That's INSANE, the number of national broadcasters has increased so radically its almost unfathomable. Every big you-tuber can be one--now the biggest limit on distribution of data is not bandwidth, but simply overcoming the NOISE from all the data being slung around.
Half the reason, for example, people are beginning to revile the media is simply because people are no longer reliant of compressed memories that eliminated specific information and only stored general summaries--which denied them any real ability to deny, with specifics, what was bullshit. They had to rely on something 'feeling off' or a general sense that there was some deep hypocrisy. Now though? If the media contradicts itself, there is a video, or article online that you can go back and look for and have concrete evidence of what happened. You can translate your generalized, compressed memories of events into very well organized, specific data. If you think about it, really that's all programs like the Daily Show began to do...In many cases that show was a clip show that went and found specific video clips that illustrated the vague sense of hypocrisy everyone had. Now EVERYONE has the ability to do that. And its wreaking havoc.
And this shit is only going to get worse as the generations who don't know how to do this stuff die off, and children born to it grow up. And this is only one line of disruption. A lot of faith in institutions, which rely on trust, is going to be shattered as people can actually verify things..And that's going to be REALLY bad for any field that requires a certain amount of time and cognitive ability to understand (Because the same skepticism will fall on them, even if people can't verify things because even if they have the data--it won't make sense). That is where our next big problem will be, too. Despite how much we've revolutionized the distribution and organization of information into accessible data...The human component is still a bottleneck. I can download ALL the information needed to complete a college degree in a few minutes, and yet--even someone who is very intelligent would take a few years to learn that knowledge enough to be able to even access and understand it efficiently (If we assume they aren't simply going to memorize but rather will learn key elements so they can quickly brush up on skills).
Anyway, sorry, I've been drinking and writing on this subject, so I thought I'd post.Screamfeeder don't worry big guy, no one is coming to light your farts on fire, you keep breathing deep. I'm sure they smell like righteousness.
Dug this post then hodj went fullhodj on his ass. Oh dang.
I'm not reading thirty pages of this psychotic shit.