Got about an hour left on this turkey
I'm fucking starving. I barely ate yesterday and haven't eaten today in anticipation.
Are you guys fucking retarded? 80 more pages in 2 days? This is meme thread, not Lithose tests Hodjs aspergers thread. Just because you defended us against the "War of Southern Aggression by Kentucky, led by General Hodj" does not give you the right to defile the SaltiariumLithose .
By the way, I have no idea what was posted the last 80 pages.
Are you guys fucking retarded? 80 more pages in 2 days? This is meme thread, not Lithose tests Hodjs aspergers thread. Just because you defended us against the "War of Southern Aggression by Kentucky, led by General Hodj" does not give you the right to defile the SaltiariumLithose .
By the way, I have no idea what was posted the last 80 pages.
He's like a corpse that hasn't quite figured out its dead yet
The head's missing (clearly) the heart's pumping blood, but its just gushing out the neck while we all look on in slight disgust and also a little bit of excitement.
I wonder how long it'll take him to realize he's turning himself into the community laughing stock
He's not bright so probably awhile.