^ The first post of my entire thread was this bullshit ^
You never broke me. Over 3 years of your incessant water-torture insanity directed toward me never broke me.
You failed.
You wanted to last word everyone, yet now everyone is getting in their last word toward your dumbass.
You failed.
You always held yourself aloft like some Matt Dillacunty stooge that was always some beacon of rationality, yet fought for page upon page to defend your illogical TDS only to be torn to shreds and ragequit the forum after your most epic hodjing in history.
You failed.
Just like the
poll, you lost in a stunning fashion and my only regret is that I no longer get to dismantle your illogical bullshit anymore.
You failed.
After all these years and all your useless posts later, THIS is your legacy:
^ Y'know, that
same tranny that you said would be banned due to the Tanoomba cycle (how retarded a concept in the first place put forth
by a retard) and you'd still be here? Hodjstradamus you most certainly are NOT, you colossal faggot.
You failed.
Now, allow me to finally correct your original post in my thread: