After finishing it, I definitely agree that the game's only major flaw is the pacing. They roll out the various gameplay systems and upgrades WAY too slow, and on top of that finding out that you must complete 100% of the challenges to hit level 40 because that's exactly how much XP is required was pretty disappointing. Since I still have the bugged quest for Biscuit in my log there's no way to do it. Not that it really matters anyway; level 39 is effectively the cap for the story since there's one side quest you can't do until after everything is wrapped up. Really not a fan of that at all, I think that you should hit max level in a game like this by about the 66-75% mark if you've been doing all side content.
Other than that no real complaints besides the obvious stuff like the shoehorned in tranny, a few terrible voice actors, instantly forgettable music, and some graphical issues like clipping, extremely low-res volumetric light shafts, and ray-tracing that not only kills performance but sometimes looks worse than with it off. Some of the open world stuff got really repetitive too, especially the so-called "treasure vaults" which never contain anything besides one 60-150 gold vendor trash item.